5.2 Connect the serial cable
The serial cable included with the Botlink XRD2 is a 6-pin JST (DFU for XRD) cable that is
suitable to use when connecting to a Pixhawk autopilot. Either end of the cable can be
connected to either the autopilot or the XRD2. When disconnecting this cable be careful and
use something that can grip the plastic connectors as pulling on the cables will risk pulling them
out of the connector.
5.3 Connect the power cable
The power cable included with the Botlink XRD2 is suitable to use when connecting directly to a
3S to 7S battery LiPo battery.
The XRD2
be powered from the Micro USB or USB-C ports.
5.4 Connect the antennas
The TAOglas antennas included with the Botlink XRD2 have an adhesive backing that makes
them easy to mount to most drone airframes. The only thing you have to be careful about is
making sure the antennas are polarized, one facing “up/down” and the other “left/right” or on its
side. Also be sure to not mount the antennas on top of one another.