Clinician Manual
Precision™ Spinal Cord Stimulator System Clinician Manual
Note: Do not mix components between Entrada 4.5 in and 6.0 in needles. Needles are clearly
labeled with needle lengths and are also color coded (as they appear on the product,
green=6.0 in and blue=4.5 in).
Assembling and Reassembling the Entrada Needle
Do not insert or reinsert the needle stylet, LOR adaptor, or slotted needle into
the sheath while the sheath is inserted within the patient.
1. Insert the slotted needle into the sheath.
2. Insert the LOR adaptor into the slotted needle.
3. Insert the needle stylet into LOR adaptor and advance forward until fully seated into needle
Infinion CX Lead Placement in the Epidural Space with Entrada Needle
1. Position, prep and drape the patient in the usual accepted manner. Inject a local anesthetic
at the needle insertion site.
2. Verify that the Entrada needle is fully assembled by holding onto the sheath hub and
applying forward pressure on the stylet cap cover.
Do not bend the Entrada needle. Bending the Entrada needle may cause the
stylet or LOR adapter to become jammed in the needle assembly and difficult to remove.
Boston Scientific Confidential. Unauthorized use is prohibited.
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Precision Clinician Manual N EU Entrada
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