Revision Date: 02/07/2020
Revision: C
Pre-Assembled Rhino - Installation Manual
Appendix 7: Connecting the Panel System
to the Supply and Return Lines
Step 1:
Locate the corners of the solar system where the Supply and Return lines are to be connected.
The Supply Line should be connected to the bottom header array, on the side farthest from
the pool pump, generally this array connection requires a Rubber Flexible Coupling and
plumbing techniques to allow for thermal panel expansion / contraction in both the linear
and lateral directions.
The Return Line should be connected to the top header pipe, on the side closest to the pool
pump. This gives the heated water the shortest path back to the pool. As the Top header
pipe is generally not subjected to linear thermal expansion/contraction the use of a Rubber
Flexible coupling assembly is generally not required and that a CPVC Coupling should suffice.
Note, plumbing techniques to allow for thermal panel expansion / contraction in and lateral
directions should be considered.
Step 2:
On the supply side of the array (bottom/furthest away), attach one side of the Rubber
Flexible Coupling directly onto the panel array and the CPVC Coupling to the other side using
the Ring Clamp Assembly (see Appendix 6 for instructions).
Step 3:
On the Return side of the array (top, closest) attach a CPVC Coupling directly onto the panel
using the Ring Clamp Assembly (see Appendix 6 for instructions).
Step 4:
Plumb both the Supply and Return PVC pressure pipes to the corresponding CPVC Couplings
using good plumbing techniques and high-quality equipment and supplies. Please also ensure
that all pipe work has been adequately supported using pipe clamps with adequate
consideration and allowance for thermal expansion / contraction in both linear and lateral
directions for both panels and pipe work.