Check any optional energy management chains (drag chains) for de‐
Check the protective conductor connection for proper condition and firm
seating at regular intervals and replace it, if necessary.
In order to provide a safe operation and long service life of the motor-pump
unit, a maintenance schedule has to be prepared for the machine or system.
The maintenance schedule must ensure that the operating conditions of the
motor-pump unit remain within the prescibed limits during the whole service
You must particularly ensure compliance with the following operating param‐
Required fluid cleanliness,
Operating temperature range,
Level of the operating medium,
Temperature difference pump-fluid tank,
Foam formation in the tank,
Also refer to R911343624 "Rexroth IndraDyn E Standard Motors MOT-FC for
Frequency Converter Operation"
Changes in these parameters are an indication of wwear of components (for
example drive motor or pump). The cause must be determined and remedied
For ensuring high operating safety of the pump in the machine/system, we
recommend to check the parameters specified above continuously and auto‐
matically and to provide for the automatic shut-down in case of changes ex‐
ceeding the usual fluctuations in the intended operating area.
The lifetime of the axial piston unit depends on the quality of the hydraulic flu‐
id. We recommend to change the hydraulic fluid once per year at the mini‐
mum or after 2,000 operating hours (depending what happens earlier) or let
the hydraulic fluid be analysed by the manufacturer or a laboratory on its futh‐
er usability.
As preventive maintenance of the internal gear pump, we recommend to ex‐
change the shaft sealing ring after an operating time of maximally 5 years by
an approved Bosch Rexroth service operation.
The lifetime of the axial piston unit is limited by the lifetime of the mounted
bearing. The lifetime, on basis of the load cycle, can be enquired at the re‐
sponsible Bosch Rexroth service.
See also
chapter 11.3 "Service Repair and Spare Parts" on page 83
Plastic components of drive couplings should be exchanged regularly, after 5
years, however, at the latest. The respective manufacturer´s specifications
are to be observed.
Based on these details, the system manufacturer must stipulate a mainte‐
nance interval for changing the bearings and must record this in the mainte‐
nance plan of the hydraulic system.
Rexroth Sytronix FcP 50xx/70xx Motor-Pump Unit MPES2
Bosch Rexroth AG
Maintenance and Repair
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01