Creating a new project
Restoring a basic project
The software provides several basic projects to allow the user to create a
new machine project. A basic project contains the system PLC program and
the CNC parameters for the currently selected machine type.
Currently, 6 basic projects are available:
For milling machines: BasicProject_Milling
For turning machines: BasicProject_Turning_1_Spindle
For turning centers: BasicProject_Turning_2_Spindle
For Automation: Basisproject_Automation
For milling machines and 2. channel: BasicProject_Milling_2Chan
For turning machines and 2. channel: BasicProject_Turning_1_Spin‐
The current basic projects can be downloaded from the Rexroth
Automation Portal. Login and click on the "MTX micro" link to ac‐
cess the "Product support". The basic projects are contained in
the "MTX micro library".
To create a new machine project, proceed as follows:
1. In order to restore a basic project, select Project – Restore… from the
main menu
2. Select "Restore from file system" and click on "Next>>"
3. Select the archive on the next page. The "…" button allows you to
browse for the archive. The basic projects available during installation
are filed in the "C:\Program Files\Rexroth\IndraWorks\Projects" directo‐
ry. After having selected the archive, click on "Next>>"
4. Select the directory where you want to create the project and click on
5. Click on "Finish" to start restoring the project from the archive. After hav‐
ing restored the project, the display will show the results
6. To open the project, select File – Open – Project… from the menu
7. Select the project just restored and confirm your selection with "Open".
The project will now loaded
8. The project can now be edited in the Project Explorer
We recommend that you rename the project after having created
it. To do this, click on the "root node" of the project (here: Mill‐
ing_3Ax_1Sp_10V02.117). Press "F2" and enter a new name for
the project.
The file name of the project is not changed by changing the root
Bosch Rexroth AG
IndraMotion MTX micro Easy Setup for Standard Turning and Milling Machines
Software installation and basic projects