; adjust radius and FFW programming
4004 DIM RAD$(9) : DIM FFW$(9)
4005 RAD$ = NCF("RAD") : FFW$ = NCF("FFW")
N406 [RAD$] [FFW$]
; end of InitAdjPrg V1.0 Milling
The adjustment program has to be adjusted to the special fea‐
tures of the machine.
Using the HMI interface
To start the block search, execute the following steps:
1. Load the NC program using the F-key <Select program>
2. Start the block search screen via the M-keys <Program functions> and
<Block search>
Fig. 12-2:
Block search screen
3. Select the target block
By default, the block search with computation is active.
4. Activate the block search using the F-key <Go to>
5. Start the NC program by pressing <Start>
First, the adjustment program is processed. The NC program is
subsequently started with the target block.
Bosch Rexroth AG
IndraMotion MTX micro Easy Setup for Standard Turning and Milling Machines
Block search in MTX micro