Fig. 4-28:
Activating/deactivating automatic reaction to "function block errors"
Reaction (P-0-1367, bit 7="0")
Function block error
Tab. 4-9:
MLD‑S error reaction
If the error reaction has been activated, error F2150 is generated when a
faulty function block call is detected. The PLC keeps running and the function
block signals an error at the Error output.
MLD-M error handling and reaction
Brief description
Note with the error reaction of an MLD-M drive system that there is a digital
connection of the axes (cross communication via sercos III) in addition to any
existing module bus connection. This results in various options for the group
reacting to an error that can be specifically selected and coordinated with one
another. The following instances generally occur:
With the stand-alone axis-related error reaction, all axes in the group re‐
act to the error independently if no package reaction or CCD error reac‐
tion has been activated.
Axis group package reaction (DC linking): The axes operated in the axis
group at a DC bus are interconnected via the module bus and execute a
coordinated error reaction in the event of an error (package reaction).
CCD-/MLD-M error reaction: For certain applications (e.g., Gantry axes),
it can be useful to shut down the entire CCD group in a controlled man‐
ner or at least evenly in all axes when an error occurs in a CCD slave or
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Basic functions of Rexroth IndraMotion MLD
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01