Other function blocks that are required but not specified in PLCopen have the
same syntax and semantics and some basic properties:
The function blocks normally are called cyclically and provide informa‐
tion at their outputs, such as "Done", "Error", "CommandAborted".
The processes are normally started with a rising edge at the "Execute"
Once completed or aborted, the corresponding output ("Done", "Error",
"CommandAborted") is set. This output stays TRUE until "Execute" is
reset. If "Execute" is already FALSE, each output remains in its status
for one cycle (call) and then reverts to FALSE.
The drive behaves according to the state machine defined in PLCopen.
The user, however, cannot read the particular status.
All motion function blocks are also working in a state machine that dis‐
plays the status of the function block. This makes it possible, e.g., to de‐
tect whether or not a travel command has already been "picked up" by
the drive.
Other features of the libraries or user interface:
Instance behavior described in standard
Parallelism of motion command values
Command values: Position, velocity, acceleration
AXIS_REF axis addressing (predefined variable in library)
Error handling [outputs "Error", "ErrorID" and "ErrorIdent"]
Unassigned inputs
Cascading of function blocks
Supported libraries
Property damage caused when non-suppor‐
ted libraries are included.
Only the libraries listed below are allowed to be included.
The following functions, data types and structures are combined in libraries
available to the user.
When a project is created with an IndraDrive target, some libraries are auto‐
matically loaded; the user can include more libraries in the project.
Provides IEC steps conforming to standard in "Sequential Function Chart" (SFC)
MX_Base (IndraDrive) /
MY_Base (HydraulicDrive)
Data types or structures
Cyclic parameters as direct variables (system-wide variables)
Axis structures [for multi-axis system (MLD system mode)]
MX_CanL2 (nur IndraDrive)
Contains data types, functions and function blocks for CAN communication on level 2
Contains data types and structures most of which are only used internally
For program-internal use only!: Functions for checking or signaling runtime errors
For internal test purposes only (laboratory)!
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Programming information
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01