3. Select Import libraries….
The "Import an IndraLogic library file" dialog opens.
4. Select the library to be imported and confirm with "Open".
To import multiple libraries in the same directory, it is recommen‐
ded that you navigate with, e.g., Explorer. In Explorer, copy the
path from "Address", enter it in "File name" in the import dialog
and confirm with Enter.
Comparing the "IndraDrive Cs" range with the "IndraDrive
C"/"IndraDrive M" range
The drive-internal PLC (IndraMotion MLD) of the "IndraDrive Cs" range fea‐
tures some functional and hardware-related changes compared to the
"IndraDrive C"/"IndraDrive M" range. This affects, among other things, the
application of PLC programs. The following sections describe the changes in‐
volved, as well as any aspects that have to be observed when PLC programs
are ported.
Physical interfaces
Inputs and outputs
"IndraDrive" provides an analog input. There is no analog output.
"IndraDrive" features digital inputs and configurable digital inputs/
The IO modules in the "Rexroth Inline" product range allow additional
analog and digital inputs/outputs to be connected.
Engineering interface
"IndraDrive Cs" features an Ethernet interface. This interface is used for
programming and downloads.
Memory card
The standard control panel does not feature any option of using a mem‐
ory card.
The Advanced control panel features a slot for a microSD memory card.
Byte order
"Big Endian" / "Little Endian"
The firmware up to MPx08 used the "Little Endian" byte order; as of MPx17,
the "Big Endian" byte order is used.
I/O channel (PII, POI)
The I/O channel is the contact of IndraMotion MLD to external devices, as it
allows evaluating and addressing digital and analog inputs/outputs. The I/O
channel can only be used in the PLC user program after variables have been
assigned to specific memory cells (process image). "PII" (process input im‐
age) starts with parameter P-0-1390 et seq., "POI" (process output image)
starts with parameter P-0-1410 et seq.
Variables are assigned to specific memory cells by means of the percent
character "%" and a character string which defines whether an input or an
output is to be addressed and which data type is to be used.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Notes on commissioning and application
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01