Fig. 7-35:
Summary of the restored MLD project
Any changes to enabled functional packages only take effect on
the next restart of the drive.
13. If the firmware version in the restored MLD project is the same as the
firmware version of the connected drive, you can go online with the
Updating the IndraLogic device version
Due to bug fixes, additional libraries, etc., it may be necessary to subse‐
quently install an IndraLogic device version (IndraWorks packages).
IndraWorks packages normally are provided by Bosch Rexroth support or
supplied with a new IndraWorks MLD version.
The dialog for subsequently installing IndraWorks packages can be opened
in the Project Explorer via the context menu MLD ▶ Change IndraLogic de‐
vice version.
In the "Change IndraLogic device version" dialog, IndraWorks packages can
be subsequently installed by clicking the "Install IW package" link.
In case IndraWorks is updated, all existing libraries remain availa‐
ble on the computer. It is not necessary to install an "older"
IndraWorks package again.
Changing the libraries valid for a PLC project
When a PLC project is created, the libraries current at this time are automati‐
cally copied to the project directory.
Updating libraries of an existing
PLC project
If the libraries in a PLC project are to be updated, it is necessary to install an
IndraWorks package (IW package). The IndraWorks package contains infor‐
mation on the device version and on all the required libraries.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Notes on commissioning and application
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01