Terms, basic principles
General information
A technology function or technology package is a self-contained, com‐
prehensive functionality (e.g., preventive diagnostic system).
Based on technology function blocks and packages, Bosch Rexroth also
provides ready-made, application-specific complete solutions (so-called
"turnkey solutions"), such as "IndraMotion for Metalforming" and
"IndraMotion for Handling".
A technology function/technology package or a turnkey solution
consists of the following components:
Ready-made PLC project loaded to the drive, e.g., as a pa‐
rameter file
Function documentation (incl. involved parameters) that,
e.g., can be called using the DriveTop commissioning soft‐
If necessary, a separate dialog (e.g., for IndraWorks MLD)
for commissioning and operating the function
PLC programming
The paragraph below contains definitions of some basic terms used in PLC
Resources are objects for organizing a project, keeping track of variable
values and configuring the project for use on the target and in the net‐
work (global variables, variable configuration, sampling trace, PLC con‐
figuration, task configuration, watch and recipe manager).
The variable configuration is used for configuring global variables,
which can be used in the entire project or network.
Sampling trace provides a functionality similar to an oscilloscope
with memory function: PLC data (variable values) can be recorded
and traced.
The PLC configuration makes it possible to configure the PLC
hardware. "IndraMotion MLD-S" does not require a PLC configura‐
tion, since the device inputs/outputs can be distributed between
drive and PLC and addressed with the commissioning software.
It is possible, but not required, to control the processing of a project
(control the program) via tasks; if no task configuration is available,
the project has to contain the "PLC_PRG" function block.
The watch manager allows the values of the entered variables to
be displayed in online mode. The recipe manager allows variables
to be preset with constant values.
A task is a time unit in the processing of an IEC program. It is defined by
a name, a priority and a type. The type determines which condition will
trigger the start of the task. This condition can either be defined by a
time (cyclic interval, freewheeling) or by an internal or external event
that is to trigger the task, e.g., the rising edge of a global project variable
or an interrupt event of the control unit.
A function is a block with the following properties:
A function returns exactly one piece of data (which can also con‐
tain multiple elements, such as arrays or structures) when it is exe‐
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01