Functionalities and resources (variables, data types, etc.) are provided via li‐
braries. There are different categories of libraries:
Fig. 7-14:
Library categories
IndraWorks includes a collection of libraries.
In addition, there are libraries with technology function blocks available.
These libraries use the installed libraries and make available an extended
Optionally, the user can include other libraries, for example company-specific
Libraries alien to the target (libraries of other targets or libraries
from alien sources) must not be used in MLD.
Programming and commissioning steps
Creating a new project
Since a PLC project always is a component embedded in the IndraWorks
project, a new project has to be created in IndraWorks MLD in the first step;
this new project is empty at the beginning. There are two possibilities to in‐
clude a drive in the project:
To include a drive in the project in offline mode, left-click to select a
drive (IndraDrive) from the device library. Keep mouse button pressed
and drag the drive to the top branch in the Project Explorer. When you
drop the selected drive, the configuration wizard for the drive starts.
If the drive is already available, it can be directly connected via a serial
connection or an Ethernet connection. The "Scan for devices" command
is used to automatically identify the drive which can then be included in
the project. It is not necessary to set the basic configuration.
If the PLC functionality has not yet been activated in the functional packages,
this has to be done now (see Functional Description of firmware "Enabling of
functional packages").
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Notes on commissioning and application
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01