Lethal injury or property damage from vertical
axes moving inadvertently or dropping sud‐
⇒ If there is no "CheckRangeSigned" or "CheckRangeUnsigned" function in
the project, access to subrange types is not checked (see also documenta‐
tion "PLC Program Development with Rexroth IndraLogic 1.0"). If the value is
outside of the allowed range, this can have undesired effects in the PLC pro‐
gram. This presents the risk of incorrect access having unforeseeable conse‐
For new projects created with version MPx-18, the corresponding
check function is contained in the automatically loaded
"CheckRtv" library.
Division by zero
Lethal injury or property damage from vertical
axes moving inadvertently or dropping sud‐
⇒ If the project does not contain any functions used to check for division by
zero (see also documentation "IndraLogic 2G Programming Guide"), this can
have undesired effects in the PLC program. When the divisor is 0, incorrect
access can have unforeseeable consequences.
For new projects created with version MPx18, the corresponding
check function is contained in the automatically loaded
"CheckRtv" library.
Access to variables via program‐
ming system or interface is only
When a 2- or 4-byte variable is read, the read process can be interrupted by
a change in the variable in a PLC task. When several contained bytes are si‐
multaneously changed, the wrong value may be temporarily transmitted (e.g.,
one byte old, one byte new).
PLC project structure
General information
The PLC project consists of several files and is part of an IndraWorks project:
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Notes on commissioning and application
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01