Figure name DB000202
Fig. 6-6:
"BRC-Symbolic" project with symbol configuration included
Symbol configuration for access‐
ing PLC variables of MLD
A symbol configuration for accessing PLC variables of MLD has to be gener‐
ated by the user by means of the symbol configuration.
Please note the following:
When using the symbol configuration, you should only select the re‐
quired symbols in order not to restrict the memory space for the PLC
program and to optimize the processing speed.
The symbol configuration is active after the program download. It is loa‐
ded to the drive with the program code.
If the memory space in the drive does not suffice for the MLD program, the
corresponding error message is output. If the memory space is insufficient,
symbols that are not required should be deleted.
Notes on utilization for IndraControl VCP
Connecting IndraControl VCP via Ethernet
To establish the connection between a drive and IndraControl VCP, the fol‐
lowing steps are required:
1. Set the IP address of the drive controller (see "
2. Start "VI Composer" from IndraWorks.
3. Create new project.
During initialization, the system asks for a protocol type.
4. Select protocol type "BRC-Symbolic".
Com server is included in project as protocol and "Connection settings
BRC protocol" dialog is displayed:
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Visualization and engineering interfaces
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01