To display parameters (S- and P-parameters), the drive firmware provides
custom-made symbol configurations. All kinds of parameters with data type
have been entered in these symbol configurations.
These custom-made symbol configurations allow the following options:
Displaying and editing useful data
Displaying the data statuses
Displaying maximum values
Displaying parameter names
Displaying parameter units
The symbol configuration for accessing drive parameters (S- and
P-parameters) depends on the firmware!
Ethernet communication
Ethernet communication requires a control section with an Ethernet Engi‐
neering Port. Communication via Ethernet with the TCP/IP protocol is possi‐
ble with the drive firmware FWA-INDRV*-MPx-17VRS-MS and above.
Other requirements
Installation of IndraWorks MLD with the current version of the
"VI Composer" component
A device of the IndraControl VCP xx.2 series with current firmware
(Bootloader and WinCE Image); communication interfaces (except for
IndraControl VCP 01.2):
Ethernet (standard)
Configuring the symbols for variable/parameter access
Brief description
The symbols are required to display or edit PLC variables and drive parame‐
ters with an operator terminal (HMI).
The symbol configuration for accessing drive parameters (S- and P-pa‐
rameters) depends on the firmware and is made available by Bosch
A symbol configuration for accessing PLC variables of MLD has to be
generated by the user by means of the symbol configuration.
The symbol configuration allows the variables of IndraMotion MLD and the
drive parameters to be accessed using the variable name or the direct varia‐
In order that configurations and settings can be made at the "IndraControl
VCP" operator terminal, the "VI Composer" software has to have been instal‐
led on the PC. In addition, PC and operator terminal have to have been inter‐
connected and the IP address and subnet mask have to have been correctly
set at the PC, see "
To read and store data, the drive controller also has to feature a memory
Generating the symbol configuration for accessing PLC variables of MLD
To generate a symbol configuration for accessing PLC variables of MLD, call
the corresponding function in IndraWorks MLD as follows:
1. Select Symbol configuration from the context menu of the
MLD ▶ Logic ▶ Application branch.
2. Double-click "Symbol configuration".
⇒ The "Symbol configuration" window opens.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Visualization and engineering interfaces
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01