IndraMotion MLD (drive-integrated PLC)
IndraMotion MLD-S:
Single-axis "Motion Logic Control"
IndraMotion MLD-M:
Multi-axis "Motion Logic Control" ("MPC" firmware only)
"IndraDrive C" /
"IndraDrive M" (with
Cxx02 control sec‐
"IndraDrive Cs"
"IndraDrive Mi"
This document describes the functionality and use of the
"IndraMotion MLD" drive-integrated PLC with "IndraDrive Cs" de‐
Brief description
"IndraMotion MLD" is a variant of the "IndraMotion" range that is embedded
in the drive controllers of the "Rexroth IndraDrive" drive range. It does not re‐
quire any additional hardware option, just the licensing of a functional firm‐
ware package ("ML" or "MA").
See also Functional Description of firmware "Functional packages"
Other characteristics of the "IndraMotion" range:
IndraMotion MLC
IndraMotion MTX
All IndraMotion variants are configured and operated with the
"IndraWorks MLD" engineering tool and programmed with the
embedded "IndraLogic" programming tool. This makes the pro‐
grams created with "IndraLogic" portable as long as the general
requirements are met (see "
Main features of "IndraMotion
These are the main features of "IndraMotion MLD":
"IndraMotion MLD" is perfect for efficiently executing motion and logic
tasks with drive firmware functions (no additional hardware required)
"Open drive", i.e., direct and transparent access to all drive functions
and parameters
Programming functional extensions or custom motion solutions in ac‐
cordance with IEC 61131-3 based on comprehensive standard libraries
and additional libraries ("technology libraries")
Flexible communication extension via on-board interfaces
"IndraMotion MLD" is available with the following characteristics:
IndraMotion MLD-S (single-axis solution; "MPB" and "MPC" firmware)
As an intelligent servo axis (drive functionality extension)
As a stand-alone single-axis "Motion Logic Control"
IndraMotion MLD-M (multi-axis solution; "MPC" firmware only)
As a stand-alone multi-axis "Motion Logic Control" using CCD
(Cross Communication Drives) based on sercos III
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01