Inputs/outputs of "Rexroth Inline"
The context menu SERCOS (CCD master) ▶ SERCOS node configuration is
available in project explorer for parameterizing inputs/outputs on "Rexroth In‐
line" I/O modules ("sercos Module I/O Mapping" tab in the dialog).
Cyclic data in MLD-M system mode
In the MLD-M system mode, the cyclic parameters of the axes are automati‐
cally configured from the fixed parameters for the motion channel and the
settings for the user data in "AxisData", the I/O configuration and the free
process data. In IndraWorks, the resulting cyclic parameters are only dis‐
played, but not parameterized. According to their function, there are different
dialogs for parameterizing the cyclic data.
Summary of all cyclic numerical data:
Motion data
The parameters of the motion channel are automatically added to the
cyclic parameters. There are no inputs for this purpose.
I/O configuration
The parameters required for exchanging data with remote I/Os can be
entered in the "I/O configuration" dialog.
The parameters required for the user data can be defined in the "Axis‐
Data" dialog.
Free process data
Other freely selectable cyclic parameters for specific requirements can
be entered in the "Free process data" dialog.
Signal status bits and signal control bits
The signal control or signal status word is permanently and cyclically
configured in the motion data. 12 bits of the 16 bits possible for each of
these are defined/reserved. The remaining 4 bits (bit 12 to bit 15) can be
used as actual value or command value bits via "AxisData". This must
be set in the "AxisData" dialog. The CCD configuration includes a dialog
displaying all cyclic data; all cyclic parameters are summarized in this di‐
alog box.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
MLD communication interfaces and data channels
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01