MPH-02, MPB-02, MPD-02
Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions
Non-volatile storage is carried out with each write access to the respective
operating data.
Volatile storage of parameter values is recommended when application-
specific parameters are cyclically written. Otherwise, the service life of the
non-volatile storage media is affected.
For saving the relevant application-specific parameter values the drive
makes lists of IDNs available that support the complete storage of the
values of parameter groups:
S-0-0192, IDN-list of backup operation data
S-0-0270, Selected IDN list of operation data to backup
Parameter S-0-0192 contains a list of IDNs that cannot be modified.
Parameter S-0-0270 contains an empty list in which it is possible to enter
certain IDNs according to application-specific requirements.
For saving all parameter values the drive makes available the list of the
IDNs of all parameters in
S-0-0017, IDN-list of all operation data
To identify the parameters the value of which has changed compared to
their default value, the drive makes available the parameter
P-0-0013, IDN list of modified parameters
If "volatile" was set in
S-0-0269, Parameter buffer mode
, the parameter
values of the list of S-0-0192 can be saved in the non-volatile flash
memory when
S-0-0264, C2200 Backup working memory procedure
is started.
If the parameter values of the list of S-0-0270 are to be saved, the
S-0-0293, C2400 Selectively backup working memory procedure
has to be activated. As long as the parameter buffer mode
) is not changed, the values once saved in the flash memory
via the commands C2200 or C2400 remain unchanged.
By means of
S-0-0263, C2300 Load working memory procedure
the values from the non-volatile flash memory are copied to
the volatile working memory.
This only makes sense when volatile parameter buffer mode
was set (S-0-0269) and parameter values were saved in the
controller-internal flash memory!
To save the application-specific parameter values, e.g. after initial
commissioning, there are the following possibilities:
P-0-4092, C2600 Copy IDN from internal memory to optional
The parameter values of the list of S-0-0192 are copied to an MMC
card plugged in the controller (in the case of volatile parameter buffer
mode, command C2200 must have been executed!).
"DriveTop" commissioning tool
The parameter values of the list of S-0-0192 are stored on an external
data carrier (hard disk, floppy disk or the like); target assignment is
carried out via the menu of the tool (serial communication with the
controller or via SYSDA SERCOS interface).
Control master
The parameter values of the list of S-0-0192 or S-0-0270 and/or other
parameters, if necessary, are stored on a master-side data carrier by
command of the control master.
Parameter IDN Lists
Command "Backup Working
Memory" or "Selectively Backup
Working Memory"
"Load Working Memory
Procedure" Command
Saving Application-Specific
Parameter Values