Constant Response Circuitry
T h e J S 4 7 0 E B ’ s i n t e r n a l e l e c t r o n i c
feedback system provides a "soft start",
which will reduce the stresses that
occur from a high torque start. With
both JS470EB and JS470E, the system
also maintains the selected speed under
load for maximum efficiency.
Blade Orbit Selector Lever
M a x i m u m c u t t i n g e f f i c i e n c y c a n b e
obtained by adjusting the blade orbit
selector lever to suit the material being
T h e f o l l o w i n g c h a r t w i l l h e l p y o u
determine which setting to use for your
application. This chart is intended as a
guideline only, and test cuts in scrap
material should be performed first to
determine the best setting.
Setting O
Hard materials such as
m e t a l s o r t h i n s h e e t
metals. This setting can
b e u s e d w i t h k n i f e
blades, grit edge blades,
r a s p w o r k a n d d o w n
cutting blades.
Setting I
S o f t m a t e r i a l s w h e r e
c l e a n e r
c u t t i n g
o r
delicate scrolling work is
Setting II
Medium density materials
such as harder woods or
particle board.
Setting III
Soft materials such as
wood, plastics, etc. and
w h e n f a s t c u t t i n g i s
more important than a
clean cut.
Chip Blower
Your jig saw is equipped with a two
position chip blower to help keep the
cutting line clear of chips.
By adjusting the chip blower lever the
force of the discharge air may be altered
as follows;
For working with wood,
p l a s t i c
a n d
s i m i l a r
m a t e r i a l s t h a t p r o d u c e
large amounts of sawdust.
For working with metals
and when cooling agents
a r e u s e d , o r w i t h d u s t
collection accessory.
Footplate Angle Adjustment
The footplate may be tilted to allow
angle cuts up to 45° in either direction
(Fig. 6).
To adjust footplate, remove dust shroud
if used, loosen the footplate screw with
5mm hex key and slide the footplate
slightly forward towards the back of tool,
then rotate to desired angle (Fig. 6).
The detent slots will hold the footplate
f i r m l y a t 0 ° o r 4 5 ° , a n d t h e r e a r e
additional position marks for 15°, 22.5°
and 30° angles. Intermediate angles may
be set with a protractor (Fig. 6).
After positioning the footplate, securely
tighten the footplate screw (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6
Operating Instructions