What to demo
How to demo
Key points
Audio capability
Connect a mobile audio device to the
camera’s audio input (black) using
3.5 mm jack.
Make sure PC has speakers for sound playback.
From the browser’s Encoder menu,
select ‘Audio.’ Make sure audio is on.
Play audio device and increase the
volume in the browser window until
sound is heard from PC’s speakers.
Play back music or vocals from audio device.
Demo 8: Audio
Key message: HD camera capability includes two-way audio
Bosch Security Systems
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Printed in the Netherlands
This document describes how to set up and demonstrate Bosch Dinion HD 1080p and FlexiDome HD 1080p cameras.
It includes:
Demonstration scenarios
Equipment requirements
Configuration instructions
Recommendations on how to best demonstrate the cameras’ strengths
How to demo
Dinion HD 1080p and
FlexiDome HD 1080p cameras
Simulate sound source by playing back music over the
PC’s speakers from a mobile audio device connected to
the camera.