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Fire Alarm Control Panel D7024

Operating Instructions

Understanding the Built-in Keypad

The keypad built into the control panel is an alphanumeric
LCD keypad. It has a two line by 16-character display that
provides information on various control panel functions.
In most instances, the top line of the display provides general
system status information, while the second line describes
specific devices that might be relevant to the current system
status. When keys are being pressed, the display shows the current action on the top line, while showing rotating menu
choices on the second line. A built-in sounder is used to annunciate keystroke entries and as an interior warning device.

Modes of System Operation

Normal Operation: 

 When the system is operating normally, 


 appears on the top line of the display, the

Power LED is on steady, and no other LEDs are lit. If the system is programmed to require a PIN, 


appears on

the second line of the LCD screen. Otherwise, the control panel bypasses this display and shows a rotating menu of possible
user actions.

Alarm Operation:  

When an alarm occurs, the top line of the display shows 


. This display overrides any other

system display. The second line of the display shows the point number in alarm, alternating with the programmed
description for the affected point. If more than one alarm (or other off-normal condition) is active, they appear on the
second line of the display, one after another. The built-in sounder turns on with a steady tone and outputs programmed to
activate with the current alarm condition(s) activate.

Trouble Operation:  

When a trouble condition occurs (such as wiring for a point is cut, AC power fails, and so on), the

sounder activates briefly, every 10 seconds. The Trouble LED illuminates and 


 appears in the top line of

the display. The second line of the display identifies the specific problem.

Using PIN Numbers: 

On systems configured with no requirement for PIN numbers, commands such as 




are performed by pressing the appropriate key once the panel is opened to access the keys.  For systems requiring a PIN
number, first enter the user’s assigned four-digit PIN number. Once the list of available options appears, simply press the key
for the desired command.

Local Service Representative



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