Integrated Multi-parameter Sensor Operation manual
6.1.8 Optical Sensor Calibration Sensor Calibration
From the Calibration menu, select the Turbidity option to enter the turbidity calibration procedure as
shown below, and you are ready to begin calibration.
Before calibrating, make sure the probe is clean and dry and free of solid particles, debris, algae, etc..
These substances will contaminate the standard solution during calibration and cause calibration errors or
incorrect measurement data. Turbidity probes are typically subjected to 4-point calibration or
high-low-point calibration using a Forma turbidity standard.
The specific calibration steps are as follows:
4-point calibration:
Pour distilled water into a clean, dry or pre-rinsed calibration container. Carefully immerse the probe at
the end of the main unit in the solution. Make sure that the front end of the turbidity probe is immersed in
the solution for at least 2cm. When the AD value in the software interface is stable, enter the standard
value “0” in the “Calibration” box and click the zero calibration
(At this time, the calibration progress
display box will prompt the calibration status)
Select the “1st point” in “Points” and pour the standard solution of the first point (20NTU is
recommended, the customer can choose according to the actual situation) into the clean and dry or
pre-rinsed calibration container. Carefully immerse the probe at the end of the main unit in the solution.