55 Series Wideband USB Sensor
The 55 series wideband USB power sensors are the latest series of products from Boonton Electronics that turn
your PC or laptop using a standard USB 2.0 port into a state of the art power meter without the need for any other
instrument. RF power measurements from the USB sensor can be displayed on your computer or can be integrated
into a test system with a set of user-defined software functions. This guide will take you through the software
installation process and then outline some typical hardware configurations to enable you to get the most out of
your software and power sensor. The RF power measurement and related applications are the part of Boonton
Power Meter products and is available free of charge from Boonton official website under "Resource Library".
This manual includes the following sections:
Key features
Technical Specifications
Installing Software
Connecting Sensor to the PC
Using the software
Getting more from your system
Key Features
The key features of Boonton 55 series USB power sensors are:
Real-Time Power Processing™: No latency due to buffer processing by host PC
Highly accurate and reliable RF power measurements, equally suitable for product development, compliance
testing, and site monitoring applications.
Perfect for most RF power measurement needs, including:
Trigger stability
Waveform fidelity
Installation and maintenance
Manufacturing test
Research and Development
Easy to use software
Quick configuration
Very flexible set-up and system integration
Small, compact and rugged
Multiple sensor support on a single PC.
No calibration required
Low cost alternative to traditional power meters