Indication of a Good Test
Ground Mode: 1 sec blank then green light on
for 2 secs then out.
Airborne Mode: 5 sec blank then green light
on for 2 sec then out.
Cockpit control and monitoring of the elec-
trical system is achieved by use of the elec-
trical control panel (Figure 2-15). This panel,
just forward of the throttle levers, contains
switches to test and bring on line the main gen-
erators and meters for monitoring frequency,
voltage, and electrical load in various parts of
the system.
Generator Loadmeter
Three generator loadmeters allow for moni-
toring of the output of generator No. 1, gen-
erator No. 2 and the APU generator The range
of readings is from 0 to 50 kva.
Generator OFF Light
Illumination of a GEN OFF light indicates
that the generator is not switched on, has no
output, is out of frequency tolerance, or is out
of voltage tolerance.
OVLD Light
The overload (OVLD) light illuminates when
the generator load exceeds 34.5 kva.
Generator Control Switch
Each generator is controlled by its own gen-
erator control switch which has three posi-
tions: ON, OFF/RESET, and TEST. When in
the center OFF/RESET position, the switch in-
hibits the generator control unit, preventing au-
tomatic startup of the generator. This position
also resets the generator fault relay, enabling
the generator to be switched on again follow-
ing a fault trip. The TEST position, in con-
j u n c t i o n w i t h t h e vo l t a g e a n d f r e q u e n cy
meters, permits a generator to be monitored be-
fore it is brought on line. In the ON position,
the switch activates the generator on line or to
allow for automatic startup.
CL 601-3A/R
FlightSafety Canada
L t é e
L t d .
Figure 2-15. Electrical Control Panel