The ADG control unit is responsible for mon-
itoring and regulating generator output and
for bringing the ADG bus on line. The GCU
provides an output as the generator frequency
passes 380 Hz. Thereafter, the output is avail-
able as long as the frequency remains in the
250- to 450-Hz range. A frequency outside
these limits will cause the ADG to be discon-
nected from its bus until the frequency again
passes 380 Hz increasing, or 430 Hz decreas-
ing. There is also an overvoltage trip at 130
volts with an automatic reset when the volt-
age decreases below 120 volts.
The GCU provides automatic connection of the
ADG bus to hydraulic pump 3B and to the AC
essential bus. An additional output to the elec-
trical control panel allows monitoring of ADG
voltage and frequency. An ADG loadmeter is
not provided.
Refer to Figure 2-12 while reading this sec-
tion. There are a total of eight AC buses.
1. AC bus 1
2. AC bus 2
3. AC essential bus
4. ADG bus
5. 26-volt AC bus 2
6. 26-volt AC essential bus
7. AC utility bus 1
8. AC utility bus 2
AC Bus 1 and AC Bus 2
Normal AC electrical power is distributed
from the two main AC buses-AC bus 1 and AC
bus 2. In flight, each main bus is normally
supplied by its own IDG. Generator No. 1 sup-
plies AC bus 1 and generator No. 2 supplies
AC bus 2. Either bus may be powered by the
APU-driven generator if its IDG is not on line.
Both buses may be powered by a single gen-
erator if only one generator is on line. While
on the ground, if no generators are on line, both
buses may be fed by external AC power. A
parallel system feed is not available; therefore,
no AC bus may be fed from more than one
source at any one time.
The supply of power to the two main buses is
automatically controlled by the generator con-
trol units (GCU) through generator line con-
tactors (GLC), generator transfer contactors
(GTC), and the auxiliary power/external power
contactor (AP/EP C).
FlightSafety Canada
L t é e
L t d .
CL 601-3A/R
Figure 2-11. Ram-Air Turbine