Soft inserts
Step 01:
Check the delivery for completeness. (parts list)
Step 02:
Required tools and materials: Cordless drilling machine, drilling machine, plumb, spirit level, Allen key (3, 4 and 5, included in tool
set BO 5104734), UV cleaner, glass cleaner, paper towels, setting and distance blocks, marking pen. Mounting hardware provided by
customer, depending on floor characteristics. Please use appropriate countersunk screws and dowels according to the drill holes in the
profile. Parting tool for stainless steel (chop saw with suitable blade for stainless steel, angle grinder).
Step 03:
All parts must be mounted horizontally and vertically.
Step 04:
Remove one of the stoppers incl. base plate from the top guide profile.
Step 05:
Trim the guide profile on the side without stopper to the desired length. Then fix the complete stopper to the guide profile again
according to the drawing below. Two additional countersunk holes are needed for repositioning the stoppers. (7 mm distance from the
end of the profile and 80 mm distance between drill holes)
Step 06:
Trim the bottom running profile to the same length. Tip: In case you would like to
additionally drill into the profile, you can make required bore holes now and
countersink them subsequently.
Mounting Instructions SlideTec Premium Floor
single door, ceiling mounting with sidelight
BO 5214167