Operating instructions for S 40-3...S 150-3 series screw compressors
Page 5
General information
General safety instructions
1. Switch off the compressor using the OFF button.
2. Press the emergency stop button.
3. Disconnect the compressor from all electric power sources using the circuit
4. Take preventive action to prevent the current from being inadvertently
switched back on.
5. Check to ensure that all current-carrying parts are zero-potential.
6. Earth and short-circuit.
7. Cover or shield adjacent current-carrying parts.
8. Fix a warning label to the control and fill in the name of the person respon-
sible who is authorised to switch on the machine again.
9. Disconnect the compressor from the compressed air network (relieve or
block pressure lines).
– Exercise extreme caution during repair or maintenance work during which
the compressor needs to be operational.
Ensure that all persons are at a safe distance from the danger area.
– Ensure that work on electrical equipment is carried out by qualified electri-
cians only.
– Working on current-carrying parts and devices is prohibited. Exceptions
are governed by the appropriate national regulations.
– Before starting work on the electrical system, the power supply must be
switched off and a safeguard must be provided to prevent it from being un-
intentionally switched on again. Immediately after finishing the work, all dis-
mantled covers and safety devices must be refitted.
– The machine operator is responsible for inspecting the compressor daily
for externally visible damage and defects, and for immediately reporting
any changes (including in operational behaviour).
– When the automatic restart mode (auto-restart) is activated, the compres-
sor will start up automatically following a power failure. This is conditional
upon: The network pressure being lower than the set switch-on pressure.
Accident prevention
The operator of a compressor station is responsible for ensuring that it is prop-
erly installed, operated and maintained.
If the compressor system is operated outside the Federal Republic of Germa-
ny, the accident prevention regulations of the country where the compressor
is operated must be observed, in addition to the information contained in these
operating instructions. In the event that measures are required above and be-
yond the legal regulations specified in the Federal Republic of Germany or the
information contained in these operating instructions, then it is essential that
these are carried out prior to commissioning the compressor plant.