Battery system monitor, Model TM-2025-RV
revised March 14, 2009
IMPORTANT: The wiring installation for this meter, especially the shunt installation
must be performed by someone knowledgeable on proper wiring, electrical practices,
and safety. If you do not have this knowledge please have someone install it who does,
or at least get some competent help to supervise the installation.
To install:
1. Please read or scan two pages of introductory information in section A.
2. Consult drawings Figure 1 and 2 (pages 7-8).
3. Follow step by step installation instructions in section B.
4. Install at least 3 important numbers into meter as described in section C.
Meter Installation: Preliminary
: What you need to know before
installing the TriMetric meter
B. Meter and Shunt Installation
: How to make connections from meter to
battery and shunt.
C1. Entering required three setpoints in TriMetric memory:
How to
enter necessary data related to your battery system to make the TriMetric
displays give you the correct information.
C2. Information on the next (optional) three program setpoints
Limited warranty.
Meter is warranted for 1 year against any manufacturing defects. Any meter not meeting
the specification or performance description will be replaced or repaired within one year of purchase, provided it
has not been subject to abuse or misapplication, and provided the defective unit is shipped to us if we request it.
Contact your dealer or us before shipping.
19020 Two Bar Road
Boulder Creek, CA 95006
(831) 338-0616