Страница 1: ...itrHRtrMAIT f pe rop ToB 6roxrMSaPMa V t _ 1 r rrp hra 3 J1 i1 1 1 srr r rcr n i 7 2 2 r 08 2018 ra9 7 ...
Страница 2: ...oriz d operationt on elements not sugqened ln rh6 doomenl willvo d the sung w naniy lat tthhi al aeistance co tact B dat h M d ln T ch iol S rvi 3 Tel 82l3 241 1 00 E mail suppon boditech co kr roa n r a o ooor r 41 Geodudanli 1 qil Donqna myeo Chuncheon ri Ganq of do 24398 Republ oi orea IeI 32 33 2431400 Far 82 312419371 r T Bd GEiaGlwahk s3 1030 8tu elr BELGIUM Te 32 27325954 E Marl r mail ob l...
Страница 3: ...Date r 2016 12 20 lRe05 hdifth Tabte ontenrs 11 6 ichEmaB lt DC Cdn tor C bt USB 016 Cabt _ _ 50 4upexrop roe sroinQilili 2 2 NlB 2015 El Llrc T ...
Страница 4: ...ded to a test cartidge ichroma tr fteasurcs intensity of fluorescent signal ichroma tr conve s this tntensity of fluores ent signal to quantitative value and displays this value as a test resulr 3 Safe9 Information Safety intormation pior to u 1 Please read this manual before use 2 This equipment is in vitrc diagrostic medical device Please ure it with conect 3 ichromafr E is only compatible with ...
Страница 5: ... ichroma tr gentl r Avoid throwing shaking or dropping it which may damage ts nre nal compone ts 9 Do nor store hroma E in chem cats srorage o gassing arca 10 Remove power cable if ichrcmar tr is not used or a tong time 11 Oo not allow ichromar tr to come in contact with liquid in a y manner 12 Do not pla e anlhing on top of ichrcman II even when it is lyinq tdte 13 Read this manual carefully befo...
Страница 6: ...ng area a Arcid direct sunlight du ng storage 8 In case ofichroman tr exterior k contaminat d byfo eign mat riak ptease wipe them out using soft and dry cloth or tissu Consult rnstruct ons fo use lar k vttto diagnostic lse This p oduct fulfilts the reaunements of Dnedive 98r9 C on In Vitro Oiagnonic Medical Odices Read nsl urtons before use t Separate colleclion for electri a and eledroni equipmen...
Страница 7: ... r tiqht plre fuor6c is lih cd lrom the minurc ol the scaneren and n or6 ed tight lntensity ot th fllor 5cne G scan ed and conw ted inio n l ct lc sign l wh d ir proponionat to rhe intensity ot fluores ence podlced on rh r sl The on b d micropoc se compotes conce rrat on ofrh n5lyr in the ctiaicatsp imen based on a pre pbgEmm d calibration Th compui d and onverred sult i5 dijptayed of rh dispt y s...
Страница 8: ...Dodmenl No OPM IR2 EN oale 2015 12 20 Rry 05 hcirsh perrop TOB 6roxlMQaPMa S tox r r 40A Ptll A 2 2 lrlud 2018 ...
Страница 9: ...ato6 5V O34AJ us3 4 porls LAN Porr US3 0T6 pori Hlmidity 10 70 Non conde in9 Humidny 90 Non ond 6inq P lient t n 1 000 r ruh Syslem che k ten reeuhs 500 Esutts Controlfr te als ren r suhs 1 000 resuhr SavinglD hip nfomat on 5001O chipt maximum 5 LOIS per item ichMa I mcetr th EMC guirtcline d p r EN 61326 2 6 2 2 lr 08 2018 Fluores ent Immunoa ay ...
Страница 10: ...ge for proceeding resrs Holdercore k 6rlighl dun lorciqn mat iak prs tion It measurcs oohtempeElurc arcund ichroma tr For deta l d infom tion rcgarding oprional items ptdse coftcl qionaldkhblro or Sodr h Med In 3 l hni al qles leam A Temperaturc s nsor measures m t mpebture Oo hot chanqe lempebtur by i artional heatingorcoolnq Do not insr ll i h ma u in E whkh has big remp ratuc v nat on Aupexrop ...
Страница 11: ...anery cow i op n d you cn i statt set baft riB and Connedion pon for AC adapi r conn dion Don to Pc onn on and conmuni ti n Conneclion pon lor bai ode s nnei keyboard WIFI Dongle Bluelooth Dongle and USB memory nEk Connedion pon for Etheher connection 2 2 f0B 2010 5 Il l cl aTl o o o o 610xif roAPMA ...
Страница 12: ...viden by Boditeh Med Inc only and chak power rar ng belore use lr you can t onim power Eting please conslh wrh your ladllty manaqement offic r when using bafteie please ch k the rype of bateries IAA ryp and indall rhem Us or bandies n ont aEihble in cas oi blackour lor nna operauon lt s imposribl lor nohalus with batte 6 ror a lo g tihe W suggest ro usa AC adaplor 5nd powercable lor nabl a d sale ...
Страница 13: ...th p4r eritch on 2 ichrcm E IJ displays the p6du r logo hd toading screen sen lt when t ding it t kes few se onds It loadinq screen lasts more ihan 5 m nlr r plers rlm ichomar E oft and lun it on again lrsrm probl m k oc ured pt s a ti Sod ilech M d lnc lechni tsetutce or author zed r qional dl nbllor the self i n n9 and display rhe selilestinq rcruh5 Synem ol throms E k Iher are some pEblms in th...
Страница 14: ... disrributor Turn olt Turn lh devce ofland callto manufaciurer oraulhonzed rcqional Ignor You ah pro eed lhe neyt st p and l n ir ms It is po ible to len ilem but p nting lest BUlt out k impo5 lbt ptease c ll lo ma ulactu er or iutho zed egion l distiburo lumoll lurnlh d 1 olf andcalltomanulactuero ulho led rcqionat Igmr You can p oc ed the nd nep nd t st it ms i Pesse set envronmentlenperalueas 1...
Страница 15: ... nter k adopied 4 ropeEllre enrrcnme remp ratu e Do nol d sa emble the l hroma tr vhen som eaou t wnr to s lf tenino ir ms lf you ium the dryice oft during s Fr ning pc s il c calse m liunction of the If the t si r6llts show Not aEilabte tor driving pan opri6 o disk crl io manuia turer or authonzed req on l dist butor I lemper iure 5 out o r ng ol operation t mp raturc t5 35t pt se sel envionh nr ...
Страница 16: ... operation hciteh singleren MuhiIen QC len Rfliew rnd Serup menu 6 shoM in the maii scG n as lollow Fun tion for rh buion lvlove ro Single Ien mode Turn the devce off or restan Inr rt or 4ed the ridge hode l l pe roP TOB EroxrMOaPMa 2 2 t 08 20ts 5roxlf 40APMA ...
Страница 17: ...is conneded Green r E vi rof m nt t mp eratu r s rn the hng oI t5 35t Red Environmenr t mp rarure ir i otrhe r ng ol 15 3Sra Thi5 iconwillbe displayed when WIFI s connert d Ihie i on wlll be displayed whe Bluetooth ir onnected This icon will be dLplay d wheh Eth h t k 6nn cted a pe opTdE iE E i i noBapcrk rF 2 2 lt 08 2018 E tsl E It tr F Nov O3 2O15 8 lO 45 am 6toxn4eAPt 4A ...
Страница 18: ...mbrane ol a 3yn m ch ck nidqe lhL uill a s ron ds rtsl 6 check Esult Do not load anyr6t samples nro the sample wellola 3yncm he k cartndg Do noi rouch rhe nitocellulose membran of a syst m he k c t dge by h nd Do not dam g lhe nirroc llulose mefrbEn oia ststem h t anridq 2 Iap the QC lest on lhe main een nto lhe lO ch p pon and rap rhe Nen button on rhe LCO tl pexrop rOg Sror MO l Thenthe ich 6a E...
Страница 19: ...hnicatseruice orauthorizei userlD dkplay d in LcD means rhat the rel vant user togs in th ichrcmaE tr 11 loq in rundion is not usen ihe ichroma E wil dispt ys GerID as L t 5 The lch oma E p ohs synem he k proce and There is no n d ro mak ounter me6 e_ You can us rhe rynem nom lly Therc arc sohe problems in 5r5lem h k cartrdg or Check lnerc a e foreign nal rials or dahag s in a system canndge and t...
Страница 20: ... repreenlaliw if sam A Lor nunbeG oI a sysrem ch ck cnridqe and sJ6lem check Ig hip do nol march Chkk and match Lot nlmbeu o a sFreh check a ndge and syslem he k ID hip and lry agan Call Sodile h Med Inds Ie hnical setuice or aulhonzed r gional rcpeentatiw I sahe Doomet No oPM IR2 EN Oate 2016 12 20 Rd 05 hdrfth Trvou Ld p d rts r n uh ou oy rappig Pnnr Dunon 3 Ple se pa k a synen check canrdg ind...
Страница 21: ...ir tting is ohty v it bt wh n dhttr L togg d in O rap th Login oN otF blronro sel lhis tundton wr6 yd rap rh or burd whd you bp rh oK buro Log n tundion tr nor d rabl To ser loqin tunclion lo9 in with admin a c n The i hromaE tr is set w ih Login OFF by def uh etr r t asing Hwro log in admin ccouni 1 T p lhe setup User ID 3 Tap lhe select User nd inpul passwod Oh inniatpas d is 0O 4 Ttp lh OK for ...
Страница 22: ... user lq pasword and tap rhe OK button to ompleie reqtsraton olnew user Whe Logi tuncrion s I E the i honar tr r qui6 User ID and p ssrd to tog in 3e caretulspilling ol us rlD and pa wod UserID nd pa wod lhould be nore lhan 2 tu act n O Tap Chanqe Pa word button 2 2 t 08 2018 rpe rop TOB SroxrMQapMa Tap user ID wh l you want lo ha ge pa wod 6loxflroAPMA ...
Страница 23: ...tron io hange parsword Then You an change urer w thou log ui procedure fron rhe uiienr lser O Lp rhe operator whar you w r io da ae E Tap seled User buttor Then ichEmaq wittdBptay User chanqe men pop up window O Input password and tap O blron ro chanoe ur r gupexrop roa s oxru4friJ 2 2 l 08 2018 6t0xllroAnlvl ...
Страница 24: ...e bullon Then l h frau t willdispay O l te ujernenu pop up u ndow Input pasword tunction ir used you a find Lolout buflon in lhe ght bottom ol mrin menu hditeh a d OK button by ruhs Then ichona E will disptay Logrn Ifyd wa ro logoul lap Logole menu pop up windoe for new use 4upexrop ros roxrigiiii 5I OX iT 4 OA P VA 3r 2 2 1108 2018 E ...
Страница 25: ...l vanr item taD lhe nrme ol lem whar yo wanr ro he k Io delel rhe rcginere ichroha E will displ y LOI s l rt the LOT ehli you wa lo det t and tap Oetae button Then D lele sel ct d it ms pop up findow To onfirfi lhe d tetion tap yes rhb ftthc d will b p6ant d i N tututu Mathum 5 LOTS olID hip per ea h liem an be saved ln ase of 5 LOTS ars regisle ed f user rry to cqiste a new LOT on sam iten fte ol...
Страница 26: ...b regist red There can be some llmitalion c odinq to LOT humber oi i hrom ftam 10 3 3 Date Time Th6lundion s for sellinq date and tim You an sel date byrapping or 1 butt n To fn sh sett n9 dale tap Set button You c n sdtih bytappinq or a bunon To finish set nS tim tap Sel bunoh You an select 3 kinds of dare fohat r pel Top TOB 6loxrMSapMa ffi r 0 r r 2 2 li0B 2018 5rox lt leAPMA ...
Страница 27: ... Ern m wlFt nd Btudoolh tundDn vttl 3tu to9 rk Eth rEt funrt N itt b DreNad i Nr hnuru USB OTG cable WFI dongle and Bluetoolh dongle aE optiond nems Ilconn lion s nor possible pl as ontacr authorz d rcgion dislibltoror Bodil ch Med hc ie hni6l setui e Conn PC wilh ichoma II u inq USB OTG cabte and raD ON bl tron Tap tunctioh uh i you w ft ro onn t ili i i 6tC 4 ooorO 2 2 t 08 2010 Ltrri _rll ntt ...
Страница 28: ...ta eittbe delet d and deteted dala n t be estor d Be arctuLfor tunning ladory setting S lltesting resuh whch is disphyed n rhis menu is th tatst rBt Esutt Temper ture in the selheninq result u curEnt t mD ratuE lound language p ni rand update s lup sysiem Display 1 Bnqlfine ichromat tr prcvides 5 ftps ol bdqhrnes Inilialze bufton nd tap Ye butlon to p6 d lacrory sefi nq n pu rop rOA E 6 tox 4 CA l...
Страница 29: ...n tr wiltp ints oll rhe test r6uh wh nten k comptete 2 OFt Wheh pnder k ofi i hroma E do6 not pinl out the rd r sutt i n rast is comptA d you an pdnt oul rhe pr ious ten r6uh lor Muititen or Singteresr ahpe op roe E6 6 Tme lor sl p mode is lo 20 30 60 and t2o minut r abm onlofi You a sel ahm ich ha E sounds alam when ten is compl t d tim r is Mr nd ercr is occurud 6lOXltu1 t API i A 2 2 t 08 2018 ...
Страница 30: ... ry cov r in rh bottom ofichronat II inq nlormaton inlo lheSD rd sloi as lollowinq pidur nupexrop roa sroxiu6iffi c o r Suppo ed languaoe wllbe changed accodinq to diom equest5 tunctioh for application and flW E Do nor rurn ichroma tr ofi durinq updalihg Do nor d sconnecl onne ron abre bebeen i hrcma n and PC dunng updating Upd tinA proces willtake r e seconds or few minutes la Ins fl a SD cad whl...
Страница 31: ...n updating i5 ompleted rap Done buflon Th i nrcma E wilt rcrran automari aly lhere i5 no SD card in ihe 5D ca d not orthe is no updalihg inlomaiion in a SD card chromar willdisplay me lqe for h kihg SD ard Il is impoisibleto downgrade the application 21 tt s 2018 n S o OapE 6l0Xrt o Ptrl ...
Страница 32: ...slol as ottowing piduE O When updatnq ls completed ichroma tr willrenan automariotbl ouring nmrare updalns hroma tr on gene ate ronrtnuols beep sound wtren imwarc updaring s finished a ba kup copy of the softwarc and r checkslm ofrh innatblion fite are rc ord d on rhe 5D ad and i hroman willstop b p solnd alto focrtth Arpenop IOB Aor MOapMa i rc xit ot p1114 2 2 tt 08 2018 O T p OK butron to pro e...
Страница 33: ... dive glows nask and so on du ng handling i n srmpl lJs d can dg r pipen Ips and samplej ehouid b di rrd d a ording tothedsm Egiontl cgul iions wilh h gh t mpeEture nd hiqh pcsuE n rite A Danger Oo nor handl ichbmaE II with w l hand If llu fihd l el sme smok or bu ning smellr turn rh power oaf imncdi r t Do nor 6ove i h ma ro oih place dunng tsi Do nol 5tare in5ide ol i hrcma tr duing iesl _ f I00...
Страница 34: ... spl yed cordlng lo LOT nlmb r ot i h om n uem 4 Inpul paii nt lo maximum 15 haracle6 age End qend r You can skip lhk n p 5 T p Next bunon The i hronaE tr willdisplayl6t p6c dur 2 Open a i sr adridge and ineen a lan a ridge nto lhe anrdg hotderand tap Nen buxon q penop roa aox ifriliJ Sonelima LOI numbs and rptrarion date n y not be dkptarrd ccording to LOT numb r of ichomat It 6 6 lnsen sampl oad...
Страница 35: ...natmemory 9 Ii you lap OK or Prnf bullon ich6ma goes back ro Stngt T 1 s e n t0 Pleas discad lsed te c nridge Usen G ddg t piperie tps and sampt s thoutd be disorded a cordinq to th retent 98n egulal ons wnr hgh r moeral r nd higr p esu e erit Aupexrop ToB sroxrMSapMa gffi_ no r r You ca onnt lhei n r suh our 1 Tap Muh Ien n the marn s een ihen ch omatu E wil d sptay toltowing s reen 2 2 fi08 2013...
Страница 36: ... ms hd t n resuhs aE dkpt yld rnd 3 wd ltomrti tty 6 Yo can delete disp ayed test rcsuli byseledirg snd lapping o lete bltton And you an pnm t n 6 hs 7 Please di ad used t n canrdigs ttow to r t tim r chrohan E provides Mllti Timer tunclion o FP tl o pe rop TOB SroxrMOapMa t when rtu lap Time i on ichroma E dkplays Sel Tim Mtn pop up wndow By tapping and a buron you can set time m ximun 60 2 2 r 0...
Страница 37: ... stable ptace B lor run l st pl ase le lo r lMnt p d q ic n lor ch t8t Ex 6ir o e dlring insening ten c rndge irto can idg h td r may c se maltu dion or eror in ichoma tr Pl ase Egkler i n ile6 before tuhning test All td can idg s ar disposabte ptea dk rd u d carrridges accord nq to lhe eleEnt and prope egional equtarions When chroma II wo ks on Muht len mo e ichromrtu E can tun 1OO tens 6u do not...
Страница 38: ...G disptay d automaticaly 4 Load onro to a ten anridqe and inse r nto rhe enrdqe hotder and rap Stan bllton mmediarey 5 Wh n r ns are ompeled nanes of items and ren resu rs ar d lplayed and sawd auroharcaly 6 You an delde dGplayed t6t esult by sele i ng and lapp ng Detele bunon And you an p r r d resllts whai you eant io Plea dEcad used t t cadridge r Tap QC rer QC Maiara s 5 ngle Tesr Then hroma I...
Страница 39: ...rt lrnlorhe rrdge hod r and tap srart buron lmmedialey re dontime when r adon s ompteted ichroman E sra r the rest altomari aly 3 When rh ren s rc pleted l homa E d sphF thelest rcsult in L D hd 3 ws it in the int h tEemory You caf pnnt the resl r6uk out bybppng prinf buron Mitth l p rop TOB EroxrMoapMa 4 Select contolnam LOT nlmbe ol seled n controtk dispt yed aurooari z 5 Tap Ne buron Then ichro...
Страница 40: ...times LOT numbq and expnauon date may not b disptayed accordi g to LOT numbd ol i hrcmai ftem 10 4 lt 3 R gLthtion ol Conrto M t ri h 1 Tap Control Lisl button 2 Iap Conlrol lnnall bullon l Tap Contrcl Nam lhen ich ma tr displays lkt ol onlrok tiich c pr id d by Bodhech Med l c Also yo an nput contro ame by uling ba ode s anne 2 2 t 08 2010 m 6toxlMoAPl A ...
Страница 41: ...nff LOT numbd and Doam nl No OPM IR2 EN D l i 2016 12 20 Rry 05 5 Inpul item n m m ol te h an Etu and Lovhtgh timir you fodrleh can npul lhis ntormation by using 7 Input rcl Enr infomallon and rap Sav blnon lor ompteling rcgislEtion aherrapping can find r gistered contbtt in LCO scre n lLlllIggtetE l9l si t r moc rhan 1 r rr ilem prease rap rJd n m rr 4 pe op roa EoiiS ffi 2 2 lr 08 2018 Sloxlt to...
Страница 42: ...n To contnm det iion tap OX blnon Th s intormarion wll be deleied p rmanenrly hdrtQh g lpe op roB 8 6 Yo 6n i put ontol infoturlion by manuallnpul or wing barod sc nner Wh n you input contol inlo m ton by manual inp 1 pl as rnpur ebct and co ct nromarion lor LOI number and expirarion dne lncor d inlomation nay ca 5e Bar ode s 3nne is an oprional tem Iiyo want to pu chase ir please onracr iegiona d...
Страница 43: ...ro he k EE Somerihes LOT nlmbs and expir tion dare may not be disptayed ording to LOT uhblr of i hroma Item l perrcp roa s o i fri 5 tesi E h5 iap P m resuli 60 ba lo the prwious s reen Prnl seleded test resuhs our Only avaitabte shen built n p nter is seled d Send see red ien Gsuts ro conneded pC US WFI or Btueroolh 6loxlt4CAFflA 2 2 r 08 2018 6 ...
Страница 44: ...t d when you tap lhis bullon afts selecting oie p ii nt Iq a t6t esu s ror 3 lded palient ID E dkplay d lfthere is no palient Iq lhis runction ir hot 6ilabl You can searh len results by inp ttin9 ien dare name ol ilem and p3ti nt IO r Go back io th praious page l s ledng o desel ctinq listed t st r6ults When lhB ie ma d on it ne ns lhat it m k l d d a p rc tG G 2 2 tt0B 2019 5IOX IIOAPMA ...
Страница 45: ...ronao syslem che k onridg i Iap Syn m check nd check ihe synem he k t sr csults pexrop roe 61 Go back to ihe previous rcen Prinl sele ted ten resuhs out send sele red rest resuhs to onneded Pc us wrFl or Bluerooth Go b ck 10 ihe prrylous page l sel ting or d6 l cring listed ten resultr Whd rhG is m rked on it me nr th i irem i5 5 cted 6iox icAi r r1 2 2 NlB 2018 n ...
Страница 46: ...ugh rhe tuhctioE ue en prcvide prcp qualty comrol method 2 Sel ct LOT number of ren ltem ConrotName and ConrotLOT and rap O butron 3 lnfornaron olseeded nen n disphyed 506 l h5 LOT number nd xpi ation dale E y not be displryed r ording to LOr nufrber ol ichoman neh Go b ck loth p ious Gen Prinr reled d tdr r q lk 6rr Arperop TOB SrorMrDapMa 5lOXll 1OAPN 1A 2 2 r 08 2018 ...
Страница 47: ...E prcvid e erfcient quatity onvolmelhod by di ptayi g and an tnng eC wirh gEph typ as follM nrpeFop TOB SroxrMQapMa 10 6 Print test rcsuh ichrom E an prinl t6i result out byusing bui in prinleror pC onnedion 10 6 1 Pn n r tr rctutb out by uring buitt in print t 1 ln as orblih in pime is hnalbd you c n p 16l r6uh olr imm diat t aner t sr ir cohpteled 2 To s l buih in pinie pl ase reier lo clause 10...
Страница 48: ... e as folow Run T6t E uh Enpl hddrh System Che k res h xample Somdimes LOT nuhber rn expiratio d te may nor be dLpl y d accodi g to LOt number of ichoma il o Chans ns pnnrer paper op n the prinler over and i seh prinrer paper with o ed d redon as louow Then to e lhe pinter cover when the prinls over k los d bullr n pinl r ejeas pnnts pape tittte tor Be c retul excessive lo ce wh n opening or closn...
Страница 49: ... E3ult3 oui by PC o n tion ichromaq tr 6n prnt t st reruhs oul ry PC conhection To pnnt t n esuks olr by Pc co n ction the spe iric software prorded by Bodilech Thir tuncion willbe p senled tn n ar tururc Mdrh lupexrop lOa Sroxru6apMa 2 2 t 00 201s 6ICXihICAPIVA ...
Страница 50: ...od scann i sp ifi tetiing pb edure for usinq barcode j n er is not need d 11 2 X yboard You an use keybo rd insr ad of iouchpad in LCD dkptarr r Connect keyb ad ro USS pon which s lo atei onthe r ar side of chom n To us keyb rd specific s t nq proc dure for uring kayboa d is nol neen d 11 3 WIn Dongl ch omatu tr prcvd s wr l s intehet conne tion using WIFI dongte hcifth A ro rp4 r I oDM reHo IE a ...
Страница 51: ...u n update software ol chroma tr using SD aard Pl a3e rel lo clause 10 3 6 s updale 11 5 ichromar II PC Conn ctor Cable USB OIG Cable ch oma n provdes tun lions ro prin n by pC conne lion 1 Conn cr connectioh bl lo USB OTG pon which k to r d on lhe rca sd of ich ma 2 Connect on ction abte io UsB pon o pC serup Commufi tion PC Then i hrom t 2 2 t 08 2018 n pe rop rOS 8 6 6 CXll 1OAPl 4A displays fo...
Страница 52: ...AA bat ry ichroms E c n us AA iyp bate es innead olAC adaptor To innalfset b ti ier please r fer to sec1lo 8 Pover supplemeni Ur of batteries is only aElabe n ase of a bEckout for nst nt operartoi Il s imposlbl lor normal se with batt rles for a long lire W suqqast ro se AC adrplor and pow r able lor n ble rnd saie operation lt i5 posible 30 mlltiteslr o 2 shgte rests wh n ba en s aE uren It k po ...
Страница 53: ...E nor solv d onlrct rcgion l d nri6utor oi god ch M d Incls l chnical Refs to Norhing happens If p obl ms arc not solv d contad fegional dist iblto or Sodirech M d Inctt teC ntc l ichrom I doe5 not dirplay l 3t rcsuh h r conpl tinq the ten i hrom tu I in under 6lcul i g Pl ase wait until ichrcmaq I Il problens r e not solwd contad caional distnbuto or Sodh ch M d Inc lednl t The ortridg holds does...
Страница 54: ...nridge 3nd In ase oflD chip is not Egirtaed or not regstered iren is r sr d Please nsen or regisre ID chip Some ilems are ant be regi erci Please check items Please heck t n canndge ln se o use of syslem heck candg in multi 5inlle and ont6l natei l r m n Il s lmpo ble ro use syneh he k crnridge h muhi single and ontfolien hod Iry the i i Ega n with p perlcn art dga Ch k tystem che k ID hip In ca o...
Страница 55: ...ton wirhour teled n9 Pl ase select data whal you wanr ro print o delete and try again lnplr user ID with hore than 2 h case of inpun d lser lD wilh Pleas inpur ID gain with morc l pur password with moc lhan 2 h Gs of inputted p 5swod whh only 1 ch ra r r duri g user IO Please input pasiword wih moE Che k you passod and ny In care of inpltt d paswod and confirmation Oasrc d do hot iarch du n9 5 r I...
Страница 56: ... arrridqe hotder to Il p obldns are not solv d contad egonal dislibutor or Bodile h Med tncr5 technt al IO hip ahd len cartidge do Match lD hip and ten anridge Then try again Tryagain after ch king us rID and passord LOT number ol ID dip and tesr Mdtch LOI nlmberollD chip and tesr c fiidge Change l0 chip and rryaqrih wilh newtD hip lf pbblems lrE nor sohEd coniacl rcgionat dslnbltor or Bodirech Me...
Страница 57: ... opeEion remp ratuE k out ol sugg6ren ondirion 15 35 8 Comd reqional dhributor or Boditrh Med Inc t i chnical suppo te n Suih in printer tailur dunng ft is posible lo pro ed t t Bul n is imposible ro prinr the ten resuh our Co r r gional dkl tbltor or Boditech Med In 3 te hnical suppon le m Environmert lemperatlre i5 oul of opeGnon tenp ralure r nq du ng selr lesling pro dur Il i5 po ible lo p6c d...
Страница 58: ... dete tive o sponianeous majtunaionins ich oma n or it cohponenr t wittb Epaned lr e ot ost or nay be ompensai d for in ac o dan e with onsumer protection ul s and rcgularons The consum r may be harged lo rep r of ich oman g den dldng the w ranty peiod ih folosnq as s lmp oper use or misus Conslme s int ntionalm shandlin abus or neg ear oflhe productG Lnaurlo zed patr eplac me r ol or rh uol r y o...
Страница 59: ... Thank you for purchasing ichroma I Please fill the requned information and send a copy of thk watranty card within 30 days of date of pur hase to the above address 12 months from the date of pu chase Year lvonth D v l r 1 ri rm1 1 l 2 2 tl rB 2018 i l o E G l rH 1 ...
Страница 60: ...Chuncheon si 0ad vroi dd 24398 orca Iel s2 33 243 tit00 tu 82 3 213 9373 lrcEl lila 3 5 lul rt r ar r i312 393j obelis s a Bd G6ned liahN 53 1030 Oilssrls letgium Tel 132 2 32 59 54 Faxr l 321 2 732 60 03 Respect for life a per op rOe E ox 6 22 il108 2018 i T ili ffi 1 ...