This mode enables you to select the different modes : 12 /24 hr, Eco, language selection,
type of display, summer-winter time zone and time difference. With the different languages,
there are no less than 4 million display possibilities offered by your calendar clock. We only
give the simple functions below, but by combining them, you can find them all.
To programme your clock, select the display option below then go to the paragraph
“Advanced Functions” page 32.
Standard display on your clock
Day of the week
Time display in 12 hr AM/PM mode.
Go into the configuration menu, point “2” (page 32).
Changing the language.
Go to the configuration menu, point “4” (page 32).
Alternating display in 2 languages.
Go into the configuration menu point “4” (page 32).
Display of the central line :
To access these
functions, go into the configuration menu, point “5”
(page 33).
temperature day of
the week
day number
week n°