BlueUp S.r.l.s.
Loc. Belvedere, Ingresso 2, 53034 Colle di Val d'Elsa (SI) - ITALY
Ph. 347 4123206, Fax 0577 043101
E-mail: [email protected], Web: www.blueupbeacons.com
VAT N. IT 01373980521
BlueBeacon Gateway
User manual
BlueBeacon Gateway is a BLE-beacon gateway with BLE and LAN/WLAN interfaces that
allows to communicate with BLE beacons (new software manages both scanning for
generic BLE beacons and connecting to BlueBeacon beacons).
BlueBeacon Gateway is offered in two alternative versions:
BlueBeacon Gateway D for desktop applications;
BlueBeacon Gateway W for wall installations.
BlueBeacon Gateway D is provided in a plastic enclosure suitable for desktop applications
(optional mounting kit is available). It is available in one version:
: with integrated omnidirectional BLE antenna.
BlueBeacon Gateway W is provided in an elegant plastic enclosure suitable for wall or
ceiling installation. It is available in three versions:
: with integrated omnidirectional BLE antenna;
: with internal 5dB-directive BLE antenna;
: with SMA connector for external BLE antenna.
Possible applications with BlueBeacon Gateway are:
- remote monitoring and management of beacons;
- localization of BLE beacons (tags) for RTLS and access control;
- distributed monitoring systems of environmental parameters, using BlueBeacon Sensor
(with temperature, humidity and pressure sensors);
Before you start using a BlueBeacon Gateway, verify that it is undamaged and carefully
read the instructions in this user manual, particularly the indications in the "Safety" section.
BlueUp S.r.l.s. disclaims any and all liability if the devices are used in modes and
environments incompatible for keeping the product’s intact, safe and in operation.
BlueUp S.r.l.s. - 2018
V1.0– 26/06/2018