9. Charging
For charging please use the device-specific charger only!
After the charger is connected to the device the modern charge management software works completely autono-
mous. It guarantees recharging that is optimised in terms of necessity as well as function. When the charger is
plugged in the GSP1 switches on automatically and indicates the current battery status by a blinking LED-segment.
During recharging the green „POWER“-LED is blinking whereas the red „LowBatt“-LED is glowing permanently.
When the battery is recharged completely both LEDs turn off and the GSP1 switches to the trickle charging mode.
This status will be maintained until the device is unplugged. Charging the battery completely usually takes between
four and five hours. It should be aimed at recharging without interruptions. This will maximise hours of use.
Usually battery capacity is sufficient for 24 hours of use.