26 AQT8 Series
User Manual
8.3 Available Output Resources
The “Available Resources” table (Figure 8.3) displays, in real-time, the remaining available resources after factoring out the
current assigned streams to the IP Output. The resources being monitored are as follows:
TS Out:
Displays the remaining Transport Streams (TS) for each port. The
transport streams allowed for input can be up to 256 per Port. As streams
are added to Output, this number decreases accordingly.
Out BW:
Displays the remaining bandwidth (Mb/S) for the data port. As
streams are added to Output, this number decreases accordingly. If the
Port is not linked, “No Link” will show in this field.
“Search” function is provided to find a program within a list. This standard function is real-time, acting as a filter to
isolate matches as the user types into the input field.
“Collapse All”
“Expand All” buttons are also provided, in addition to the search function, to further filter data.
“Search” field and additional controls (Figure 8.5) are provided for easier management and setup of the transport
streams. The list of streams which have been configured and added will show below the configuration area and the following
functions are shown above the list:
8.5 Transport Stream Search Functions
Alternately, the user can click to clear out all selected streams.
8.4 Remove Configuration
The “Remove Configuration” table (Figure 8.4) provides a way of removing configured streams from the IP Output.
# Streams: Displays the number of selected configured streams that the user
wishes to remove. To select a stream, the user is able to check the empty box
( ) to select one or more programs to be removed from the Output configuration.
Once all streams that should be removed are selected, click and all
selected streams will instantly be removed in real-time.
Figure 8.4 - “Remove Config”
CAUTION: The remove function is instantaneous. There will be no warning before the function is completed, so
ensure that a copy of the current configuration is saved. This can be done through the System tab.
Figure 8.5 - Output Stream List Search Functions
Figure 8.3 - “Available Resources”