The Identifier 18 --> Default Keypad ID (cannot be changed)
EF --> Message is made addressable in PDU Format
FF --> broadcast messages to no specific destination address
21 --> Source address of the keypad default
h --> hexadecimal value
Ext means that the message format is 29 bits instead of 11 bits.
The Identifier is basically a CAN Id which in this case has a source address (21 - keypad) ,
destination address (FF - any) --> Sending a message FROM the keypad TO the control unit
In case of Identifier 18EF2100h where destination address (21 - Keypad) , source address (00
- control unit) --> Sending a message TO the keypad FROM the control unit.
You can change the Destination address and Source address as you like.
The default keypad address is 21h.
Blink Keypad
Pro Series Tips
Keypad Basics
(661) 272-4700