Blacktrack Ltd, Innovate Centre, Colburn Business Park, Colburn, North Yorkshire, DL9 4QJ.
T:+44 (0)1748 831904 F: +44 (0)1748 831999 E:[email protected]
Installation & Operation Guide for Blacktrack Cara 200 Crash Recorders
It is very important that the crash recorder is only
activated when it has been securely mounted in its
final position in the car. If it has been accidentally
activated before mounting, deactivate by removing
the tamper label and pushing the slide bar out so
that the power button protrudes.
Quick Installation Instructions
1. Find a suitable level installation site for the recorder, towards the centre
of the vehicle away from the crumple zones. Under the driver’s,
passenger’s or back seat are good places.
2. Cut away any carpet from the mounting site so that the crash recorder
can be mounted to the metallic structure of the car. If necessary, clean
the mounting site with a degreaser so that a good bond can be
3. Fix the crash recorder to the vehicle using the VHB tape provided.
Ensure the arrow moulded into the case of the recorder points to the
front of the vehicle.
4. Once the crash recorder is securely fastened to the vehicle, press the
button near the USB connector to activate the crash recorder. After a
few seconds, the activity LED should start a flashing sequence. See
diagram 1, sequence A. After two minutes the LED will settle to flash
sequence B. The crash recorder is now activated.
5. Once the crash recorder is activated correctly, fit a tamper label in the
recess on the top of the case. If removal is attempted, the tamper label
will split and display “VOID” on the crash recorder.