Developer Information
Controlling Ultimatte using Telnet
The Blackmagic Ultimatte 12 Ethernet Protocol gives you the freedom to build your own
custom control solutions for your Ultimatte 12. For example, you can create your own software
application and control your Ultimatte via Ethernet from your computer.
The first step is to connect your Ultimatte to your computer via Ethernet. You can do this by
connecting Ultimatte to the same network your computer is connected to, or you can connect
Ultimatte directly to your computer.
If your Blackmagic Ultimatte is connected directly to your computer, set your
computer to a manual static IP address. Set the first three blocks of numbers in the
IP address to match your Ultimatte and set the subnet mask to You can
leave the gateway or router setting blank as it will not be used in a direct connection
between your computer and Ultimatte.
If your network settings are set correctly, you can now open the Terminal application on
Mac OS, or enable Telnet command line utilities on Windows and enter Ultimatte control
protocol commands. These commands can be programmed into your application and triggered
by related items on a custom user interface of your own design.
Below is a basic example of using Telnet to change the backing color, restore to factory
defaults, and adjust the matte density control.
In the Terminal application, type the following:
telnet (IP address of main unit (space) port number)(enter)
For example: telnet 9998
Press ‘enter’.
A list of status information will appear and you are ready to control your Ultimatte.
Now type the following:
control: (press enter)
backing color: blue (press enter twice)
Terminal will acknowledge the action with ‘ack’ and confirm it so you know your setting
has been performed.
You have now changed Ultimatte’s backing color to blue.
To restore to factory defaults, type the following:
control: (press enter)
factory defaults: yes (press enter twice)
This restores your Ultimatte to factory default settings and performs an automatic
To adjust the matte density setting, type the following:
control: (press enter)
matte density: 273 (press enter twice)
Terminal will acknowledge and confirm the action.
You have now adjusted the matte density setting.
Developer Information