or hard disk drive is being read or written to, the drive bay’s LED will flash according to the level
of disk activity.
When plugging in formatted SSDs or HDDs, they will be recognized by your computer
and mounted.
On Mac OS, your drives will appear on your desktop.
To find your drive on a Windows PC, click the File Explorer icon in the task bar and navigate to
‘this PC’ in the left hand column.
Now that you have plugged in your power source, connected to a computer and plugged in
your drives, you can start using Blackmagic MultiDock.
Plug SSDs or HDDs into any of Blackmagic MultiDock’s 4 drive bays.
Using Blackmagic MultiDock
Identifying Drives
Blackmagic MultiDock has 4 independent drive bays. We recommend naming or renaming your
drives so you can easily identify them. You can name your drives when formatting using the
Disk Utility application on Mac OS, or Windows Disk Management on Windows. Renaming your
drive is as easy as right clicking on your drive in Mac OS Finder or Windows File Explorer. It’s
also helpful to physically label your drives so you can visually identify the drive in each
drive bay.
You can easily rename your drives using Finder
in Mac OS or Windows File Explorer