There are four different status modes for the cache:
The cache icon information will be white when the cache is in standby mode
The cache icon will be red during recording and the duration indicator will reduce as
the space is filled. If you have fast storage media connected with usable space, the
duration indicator may not appear to move much as the storage media can copy files
as fast as your cache can record them. If you are using slower media or you have run
out of space, the available cache duration will decrease.
If you run out of available on space on your connected storage media, the cache icon
will flash green and white until sufficient storage is connected and the information
stored on the cache is transferred over.
The cache icon will illuminate green while the cache media is being transferred to
CFast or USB-C external storage. Due to the nature of how the cache records, this
process can be very quick depending on your storage media.
If your media runs out of available storage space, the recording will continue to the
cache until the media is swapped.
Getting Started with
HyperDeck Extreme Control
HyperDeck Extreme Control is a remote control panel that lets you control up to 8 HyperDeck
disk recorders or broadcast decks from a single control panel.
All playback and record units are controlled via the RS-422 connections on HyperDeck
Extreme Control’s rear panel.
If you have previously used broadcast decks with a search dial and edit controls, then
HyperDeck Extreme Control will feel very familiar to you. The controls follow a similar layout, so
you can operate the unit comfortably with confidence. The search dial even has a mechanical
clutch built in giving you a tactile response when using the shuttle or position modes.
This section of the manual will show you how to get started with your HyperDeck Extreme
Control, including plugging in power, connecting a HyperDeck Extreme 8K HDR, and making
sure the ‘remote’ button is enabled so you can control the unit remotely.