BK Technologies
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NOTE: $F7E and $F7F are invalid transmit NACs.
Choose “Select” to use a transmit NAC from the pick list.
Digital or Mixed Mode Channels Only
Select “Enter” to program a transmit Talk Group ID via the keypad.
Enter the desired value (1- 65535).
NOTE: 0 is an invalid transmit Talk Group ID.
Choose “Select” to use a TGID from the pick list.
P25 ID Unit Call/Receive List
The BKR5000 can be pre-programmed with up to 100 Project 25 IDs
and labels. If ‘RX’d Unit ID’ is designated as a display line, the P25 ID of
the radio sending the call will be shown when receiving a digital signal.
If the P25 ID of the received call is programmed in the Call List, the
alphanumeric label associated with the ID will be displayed. If the P25
ID is not in the Call List, the numeric P25 ID will be displayed.
Select “Call List” from the programing menu.
Select the P25 ID you wish to edit.
The display shows the label and P25 ID of the selected ID.
Select “Label” to edit or add an alphanumeric label.
Select “Dest ID” to change the P25 ID.
User Selectable Code Guards
The BKR5000 can be pre-programmed with up to 32, user selectable,
CTCSS or CDCSS subaudible tones. Tones are selected via a
programmed button or menu item (see TX/RX CxCSS Picklist). If
enabled, the tones can be programmed via the radio’s keypad.
Select “User Tones” from the programing menu.
Select the tone to edit.
To enter a CTCSS tone select “Tone” and enter the desired frequency in
Hertz (67.0 - 254.1 Hz).
To enter a CDCSS (digital) tone select “Digital” then enter the three digit