[email protected]
+380 44 507 02 07
the device. Procedure of connection of USB-UART converter cable is
shown in Figure 4.
Connect the cable of USB-UART converter to the tracking device so
that the arrow on the cable socket to be located closer to the SIM-card
slot (see Figure 4).
To work with the USB-UART converter, install the appropriate
device drivers. They can be downloaded from the official website:
To exchange data with the device, use a terminal program. Settings
of the terminal: speed – 115200 bit/second, data bit – 8, stop bit – 1, no
parity check, no flow control.
Figure 4 – Connection of the cable of USB-UART converter to the
device “BI-530P TREK”.
Once connected, the device will transmit data about its state to the
terminal. In addition, the user is able to use a terminal program to send
commands to a device and receive response to them. Send preliminary to
device the password to access the terminal in the following format:
TPASS: password;
, where
is a password for access to the device terminal (default
value is 11111).
Lifetime of access password after sending is 60 seconds.
After this time, re-send the password to exchange data with the device.
Description of indication
Top panel of the tracking device contains two LEDs that indicate the
current status of the device.
) is on for 0.5 seconds and is off for 0.5 seconds
when GPRS connection is inactive; is constantly on when GPRS