Bisonte BTA-750 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

BTA - 750 / BTA - 750-1 / BTA - 750-2

Italia Star Com Due S.R.L.

Autostrada Bucuresti-Pitesti, km. 13/2, Loc. Chiajna, IF


[email protected]

Manual de utilizare

Ръководство за експлоатация и Поддръжка

Használati és karbantartási kézikönyv 

User manual

Motocultor pe benzina, pg. 6 

Бензинова мотофреза, pg. 35 

Benzines kormánymű, pg. 65 

Gasoline Tiller, pg. 95


Содержание BTA-750

Страница 1: ...utostrada Bucuresti Pitesti km 13 2 Loc Chiajna IF 004 021 433 03 27 info italiastar ro www italiastar ro Manual de utilizare Haszn lati s karbantart si k zik nyv User manual Motocultor pe benzina pg...

Страница 2: ...1 04 2019 UDEM International Certification Auding Training Centre Industry and Trade Inc Co Producator si titularul fisei tehnice Manufacturer and holder of the technical file Fabbricante e detentore...

Страница 3: ...www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 3...

Страница 4: ...ormale conform paragrafului 5 repara ia se va efectua cu acordul meu contra cost 2 3 4 5 Fi de repara ie n garan ie 1 Nr Service autorizat CERTIFICAT DE GARANTIE A DRESA N UME D ISTRIBUITOR Seria AA N...

Страница 5: ...e acord conform legisla iei rom ne n vigoare la dat cump r rii se aplic numai dac aparatul este folosit corespunz tor n concordan cu instruc iunile de folosire i este valabil numai nso it de factur de...

Страница 6: ...ONAREA MOTOCULTORULUI 8 OPRIREA MOTORULUI 9 NTRE INERE 10 TRANSPORT DEPOZITARE 11 DEPANARE CUV NT NAINTE V mul umim pentru achizi ionarea motocultorului nostru Acest manual con ine informa ii despre f...

Страница 7: ...e ncredere dac este utilizat conform instruc iunilor Citi i i n elege i manualul de utilizare nainte de a utiliza motocultorul Nerespectarea acestui lucru poate duce la v t m ri corporale sau la deter...

Страница 8: ...i nc l minte solid complet nchis Utilizarea acestui motocultor cu picioarele goale sau cu nc l minte deschis sau sandale cre te riscul de r nire mbr ca i v corespunz tor mbr c mintea larg poate fi pr...

Страница 9: ...Verifica i ntotdeauna frezele nainte de a utiliza motocultorul Pentru a asigura utilizarea n condi ii de siguran Pericol de incendiu i arsur Benzina este extrem de inflamabil iar vaporii de benzin po...

Страница 10: ...torul transversal pe pant la intervale egale mai degrab dec t n sus i n jos Ave i mare grij c nd schimba i direc ia motocultorului pe o pant Nu folosi i motocultorul pe o pant mai mare de 10 Unghiul m...

Страница 11: ...ersan i cu pante mai mici de 10 c mpuri de orez cu o ad ncime a suprafe ei apei p n la stratul dur de maximum 300 mm Pentru parcelele cu buruieni i gropi ndep rta i buruienile nainte de a utiliza moto...


Страница 13: ...scurta durata de via a motorului Pentru utilizarea general la toate temperaturile este recomandat uleiul SAE 10W 30 Alte v scozit i prezentate n graficul urm tor pot fi utilizate atunci c nd temperatu...

Страница 14: ...atul i utilizarea de surse de aprindere care pot produce fl c ri deschise sau sc ntei n zona n care este alimentat motorul sau n care este depozitat benzina Nu umple i prea mult rezervorul de combusti...

Страница 15: ...erforman ale motorului rezultate din utilizarea combustibililor care con in alcool nu sunt acoperite de garan ie Motocultorul nu se preteaz utiliz ri combustibililor care con in metanol deoarece nu s...

Страница 16: ...Ambreiajul este ac ionat tr g nd de maneta ambreiajului i decuplat prin eliberarea manetei 1 Pune i supapa de combustibil n pozi ia ON Verifica i dac bu onul de golire este bine str ns 1 SUPAP DE COM...

Страница 17: ...en apoi trage i rapid ATEN IE Nu l sa i m nerul demarorului s se fixeze napoi pe motor ntoarce i l u or pentru a preveni deteriorarea demarorului 1 MANETA DEMARORULUI 6 Pe m sur ce motorul se nc lze t...

Страница 18: ...altitudinii asupra cailor putere va fi mai mare dec t aceast valoare dac nu se efectueaz nicio modificare a carburatorului ATEN IE Func ionarea motocultorului la o altitudine mai mic dec t la cea pent...

Страница 19: ...breiajului Echipamentul se va opri ATEN IE Reduce i tura ia motorului nainte de a ac iona ambreiajul 1 MANET AMBREIAJ 2 CUPLAT 3 DECUPLAT 4 Selectarea treptei de vitez Transmisia poate fi schimbat n a...

Страница 20: vitez dorit 4 Str nge i maneta ambreiajului motorul va func iona n treapta de vitez aleas 6 Utilizarea unei cuple Monta i accesoriul de prindere n cupl cu un plint 1 CUPL 2 PLINT 7 Roat fa Muta i m...

Страница 21: ...e mi ca i ghidonul dintr o parte n alta Virarea Metoda adecvat de executare a unui viraj n timpul aratului este de a cobor ghidonul pentru a aduce centrul de greutate spre spate i apoi a face virajul...

Страница 22: ...i un transportor C nd frezele sunt nfundate cu noroi pietricele etc opri i imediat motorul i cur a i frezele ntr un loc sigur Asigura i v c purta i m nu i rezistente atunci c nd cur a i frezele Pentru...

Страница 23: ...RA IE 2 Pune i comutatorul motorului pe OFF 1 OFF 2 COMUTATOR MOTOR 3 Pune i supapa de combustibil pe OFF 1 SUPAP DE COMBUSTIBIL 2 OFF www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Sta...

Страница 24: ...lei de motor Verifica i nivelul o nlocui i o o Pahar decantor Verifica i o Cur a i O 1 Cupa pentru filtru de combustibil Cur a i o Bujie Cur a i regla i o Ulei pentru transmisie Verifica i nivelul o J...

Страница 25: ...tre inerea mai des c nd motorul este utilizat n zone extrem de pr fuite Nu folosi i niciodat benzin sau solven i cu punct de aprindere sc zut pentru cur area paharului decantor Poate produce o explozi...

Страница 26: ...s fumatul i prezen a surselor de aprindere care pot produce fl c ri sau sc ntei n zon Roti i supapa de combustibil n pozi ia OFF i scoate i paharul decantor i garnitura inelar Sp la i p r ile ndep rta...

Страница 27: ...ileta i tiftul cu m na pentru a preveni filetarea ncruci at C nd monta i o nou bujie trebuie s n uruba i 1 2 din filet cu cheia dup ce aiba este presat Dac monta i una veche trebuie s n uruba i doar 1...

Страница 28: M sura i jocul liber la v rful p rghiei Joc liber 5 10 mm 0 2 0 4 inch Dac jocul liber este incorect sl bi i piuli a de blocare i roti i piuli a de reglare n interior sau n afar dup cum este necesa...

Страница 29: ...poz OFF i fixa i motocultorul bine pentru a preveni scurgerea combustibilului Vaporii de combustibil sau combustibilul v rsat se pot aprinde nainte de a depozita unitatea pentru o perioad ndelungat 1...

Страница 30: ...unt nchise i acest lucru va ajuta la protejarea motorului de coroziunea intern 1 Alinia i crest tura de pe fulia demarorului cu orificiul din partea superioar a demarorului cu recul 4 Schimba i uleiul...

Страница 31: ...3 BU ON DE GOLIRE 5 Exist sc ntei la bujie a Scoate i capacul bujiei Cur a i murd ria din jurul bazei bujiei apoi scoate i bujia b Instala i bujia n capacul conectorului c Pune i comutatorul motorulu...

Страница 32: ...CP rpm 4 0 3600 Max Cuplu Nm 14 2500 Sistem de aprindere Tranzistor magneto Sistem de pornire Pornire manual Capacitate ulei 0 6 0 6 Capacitatea rezervorului de combustibil l 3 6 Pahar decantor Filtr...

Страница 33: ...rmale conform paragrafului 5 repara ia se va efectua cu acordul meu contra cost 2 3 4 5 Fi de repara ie n garan ie 1 Nr Service autorizat CERTIFICAT DE GARANTIE A DRESA N UME D ISTRIBUITOR Seria AA Nr...

Страница 34: ...e acord conform legisla iei rom ne n vigoare la dat cump r rii se aplic numai dac aparatul este folosit corespunz tor n concordan cu instruc iunile de folosire i este valabil numai nso it de factur de...

Страница 35: ...BTA 750 BTA 750 1 35 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 36: ...1 3 2 6 CE 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 6 14 17 7 21 8 23 9 31 10 32 11 33 36 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 37: ...37 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 38: ...38 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 39: ...39 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 40: ...10 40 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 41: ...10 300 CE 41 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 42: ...7 8 13 14 15 17 9 10 12 1 10 2 11 3 12 4 13 5 14 6 15 7 16 8 17 9 1 1 5 2 16 3 6 11 42 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 43: ...1 2 3 4 SAE10W30 15W 40 SG SF API 2 SAE 10W 30 1 2 3 2 43 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 44: ...3 1 4 3 0 l 3 6 l 1 44 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 45: ...10 5 5 45 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 46: ...1 ON 1 2 ON 3 2 1 2 3 ON 1 ON 46 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 47: ...2 4 1 5 4 1 6 1 2 47 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 48: ...1830 m 6000 3 5 305 m 1000 ft 1 1 2 1 48 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 49: ...1 2 3 4 5 3 1 2 3 4 2 1 2 3 49 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 50: ...4 5 1 2 3 4 6 1 2 7 1 1 0 2 50 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 51: ...300 mm 1 2 3 8 9 6 8 51 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 52: ...OFF 1 OFF 2 OFF 1 2 1 52 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 53: ...1 2 OFF 1 OFF 2 3 1 2 OFF 53 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 54: ...20 3 50 6 100 300 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 9 54 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 55: ...0 6 1 2 3 2 1 2 55 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 56: ...3 1 2 3 1 2 4 BPR5ES NGK W16EPR U NIPPONDENSO 56 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 57: ...0 7 0 8 0 028 0 0 031 1 2 1 8 1 4 5 57 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 58: ...3 8 0 1 0 3 1 2 6 5 10 0 2 0 4 7 60 65 2 4 2 6 1 2 3 58 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 59: ...1 2 1 10 OFF 1 2 a OFF b c d 59 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 60: ...1 2 3 3 1 4 5 11 1 60 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 61: ...2 3 ON 4 1 2 ON 3 5 a b c ON d e 12 750 750 1 x x 900x450x660 NW G W 70 79 61 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 62: ...500 830 150 300 170F 4 1 OHV 208 3 x 70 54 8 5 1 CP rpm 4 5 3600 hp rpm 4 0 3600 Nm 14 2500 0 6 2 0 L 3 6 62 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 63: ..._________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ ______________________________________...

Страница 64: ...1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 Italia Star Com Due 10 11 12 13 3000 1000 1500 2000 14 ___________________________ _________________________ _______________________ _________________________ 64...

Страница 65: ...BENZINMOTOROS KULTIV TOR MODELL BTA 750 BTA 750 1 HASZN LATI UTAS T S 65 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L...

Страница 66: ...TOROS KULTIV TOR ZEMELTET SE 21 8 A MOTOR LE LL T SA 23 9 KARBANTART S 31 10 SZ LL T S T ROL S 32 11 HIBAELH R T S 33 EL SZ K sz nj k hogy megv s rolta motoros kultiv torunkat Jelen k zik nyv a motoro...

Страница 67: ...vezt k hogy biztons gos s megb zhat szolg ltat st ny jtson ha az utas t soknak megfelel en van haszn lva A motoros kultiv tor haszn lata el tt olvassa el s rtse meg a haszn lati tas t sokat Ennek figy...

Страница 68: A motoros kultiv tor mez tl b nyitott cip ben vagy szand llal t rt n haszn lata n veli a s r l sek kock zat t lt zz n megfelel en A b ruh zatot befoghatj k a mozg alkatr szek ami n veli a s r l sve...

Страница 69: ...rgyak s lyos s r l st okozhatnak Mindig ellen rizze a mar kat a kultiv tor haszn lata el tt FIGYELMEZTET S A biztons gos haszn lat rdek ben T z s g si s r l s vesz lye A benzin rendk v l gy l kony a b...

Страница 70: ...enl id k z nk nt nem pedig felfel s lefel Legyen nagyon vatos amikor a kultiv tor ir ny t lejt n v ltoztatja Ne haszn lja a kultiv tort 10 n l nagyobb lejt n A megadott maxim lis biztons gi sz g csak...

Страница 71: ...l kisebb lejt s f ldeken 300 mm kem nys gig terjed vizes rizsf ldek megmunk l s ra A gyommal s g dr kkel bor tott parcell kr l t vol tsa el a gyomokat miel tt a motoros kultiv tort a talaj felsz nt s...


Страница 73: ...lata ler vid theti a motor lettartam t A SAE 10W 30 olaj ltal nos haszn latra javasolt b rmilyen h m rs kleten A k vetkez grafikonon l that egy b viszkozit sok is haszn lhat k ha az n ter let n az tla...

Страница 74: ...a doh nyz s s az olyan gy jt forr sok haszn lata amelyek ny lt l ngot vagy szikr t okozhatnak azon a ter leten ahol a motort tankolj k vagy ahol benzint t rolnak Ne t ltse t l az zemanyagtart lyt a t...

Страница 75: ...sod s ra vagy motorteljes tm ny probl m kra nem vonatkozik a garancia A motoros kultiv tor nem alkalmas metanol tartalm zemanyagokkal val haszn latra mivel a kompatibilit s nem bizony tott Miel tt ism...

Страница 76: ...r A tengelykapcsol a tengelykapcsol kar megh z s val s a kar elenged s vel oldhat ki 1 Forgassa az zemanyagszelepet ON ll sba Ellen rizze hogy a leereszt dug szorosan van e z rva 1 ZEMANYAGSZELEP 2 BE...

Страница 77: ...hogy az ind t foganty visszacsatlakozzon a motorhoz Enyh n forgassa el hogy elker lje az nind t s r l s t 1 IND T KAR 6 Ahogy a motor felmelegszik Fokozatosan h zza meg a leng scsillap t t 1 LENG SCSI...

Страница 78: ...lked s ut n A magass gnak a l er re gyakorolt hat sa nagyobb lesz enn l az rt kn l ha nem v geznek m dos t sokat a karbur toron VIGY ZAT Ha a kultiv tort alacsonyabb tengerszint magass gban zemelteti...

Страница 79: ...kart A k sz l k le ll VIGY ZAT Cs kkentse a motor fordulatsz m t a tengelykapcsol m k dtet se el tt 1 TENGELYKAPCSOL KAR 2 CSATLAKOZTATVA 3 KIOLDVA 4 Sebess gfokozat kiv laszt sa A sebess gv lt 2 sebe...

Страница 80: meg a tengelykapcsol kart a motor a kiv lasztott sebess gfokozaton fog m k dni 6 Csatlakoz haszn lata Szerelje fel a s nes kapcsol tartoz kot 1 KAPCSOL SZERKEZET 2 S N 7 Els ker k Helyezze a motoro...

Страница 81: ...zgassa a korm nyt egyik oldalr l a m sikra Fordul s A sz nt s k zbeni kanyarod s megfelel m dja a korm ny leenged se hogy a s lypont a h ts r szre ker lj n ut na bevegye a kanyart ami megk nny ti a fo...

Страница 82: ll t berendez st Ha a ek ket s r kavics stb t m ti el azonnal ll tsa le a motort s tiszt tsa meg biztons gos helyen Az ek k tiszt t sakor felt tlen l viseljen v d keszty t A s r l sek elker l se r...

Страница 83: ...tsa a motorkapcsol t KI helyzetbe 1 KI 2 MOTORVEZ RL 3 Helyezze KI ll sba az zemanyagszelepet 1 ZEMANYAGSZELEP 2 KI KARBANTART S 83 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star...

Страница 84: ...00 ra eltelt vel Motorolaj Ellen rizze a szintet o Helyettes tse o o Dekant l tart ly Ellen rz s o Tiszt t s O 1 zemanyagsz r tart ly Tiszt t s o Gy jt gyertya Tiszt t s be ll t s o Hajt m olaj Ellen...

Страница 85: ...gyakrabban karbantart si m veleteket ha a motort rendk v l poros k rnyezetben haszn lja FIGYELMEZTET S Soha ne haszn ljon benzint vagy alacsony gy jt s old szert a dekant l tart ly tiszt t s hoz Robba...

Страница 86: ...los olyan gy jt forr s jelenl te amely l ngot vagy szikr t okozhat a ter leten Ford tsa az zemanyagszelepet KI ll sba s t vol tsa el a dekant l tart lyt s az O gy r t Mossa le az elt vol tott r szeket...

Страница 87: t tet Csavarja be a csapot k zzel hogy elker lje a menet elront s t j gy jt gyertya beszerel sekor az al t t megnyom sa ut n csavarja be a csavarkulccsal a menet 1 2 r sz t Ha egy r git szerel fel...

Страница 88: ...t szelep k bel be ll t sa M rje meg az res j t kot a kar fels r sz n res j t k 5 10 mm 0 2 0 4 h velyk Ha a szabad holtj t k nem megfelel laz tsa meg a r gz t any t s ford tsa el a be ll t csavart bef...

Страница 89: ...ultiv tort hogy elker lje az zemanyag sziv rg s t Az zemanyag p ra vagy a ki ml tt zemanyag meggyulladhat Miel tt a k sz l ket hosszabb ideig t roln 1 Gy z dj n meg arr l hogy a t rol si hely t lzott...

Страница 90: ...eni a motort a bels korr zi t l 1 Igaz tsa az ind t t rcs n l v bev g st a visszapattan ind t tetej n l v furathoz 4 Cser lje ki a motorolajat 5 Fedje le a motoros kultiv tort m anyag f li val Ne hely...

Страница 91: ...t Tiszt tsa el a szennyez d st a gy jt gyertya alja k r l majd t vol tsa el a gy jt gyerty t b Helyezze be a gy jt gyerty t a csatlakoz fedel be c ll tsa a motorkapcsol t BE ll sba d F ldelje az olda...

Страница 92: ...s ar ny 8 5 1 Max Teljes tm ny LE percenk nti fordulatsz m 4 5 3600 Teljes tm ny LE percenk nti fordulatsz m 4 0 3600 Max Nyomat k Nm 14 2500 Gy jt si rendszer M gneses tranzisztor Ind t rendszer K zi...

Страница 93: ..._________________________ V s rl s d tuma ___________________________ Al r s b lyegz _________________________________________ FORGALMAZ N V C M Ezennel meger s tem hogy a term ket hib tlan llapotban...

Страница 94: ...tja a term k megfelel m k d s t A term k szakszer tlen be zemel se vagy haszn lata eset n a felhaszn l i s karbantart si k zik nyv utas t sainak be nem tart sa eset n illetve a rendszeresen temezett k...

Страница 95: ...G THE ENGINE High altitude operation 7 TILLER OPERATION 8 STOPPING THE ENGINE 9 MAINTENANCE 10 TRANSPORTING STORAGE 11 TROUBLESHOOTING FOREWORD Thank you for purchasing our power tiller This manual co...

Страница 96: ...ult an authorized dealer The Motor Hoe is designed to give safe and dependable service if operated according to instructions Read and understand the Owner s Manual before operating the tiller Failure...

Страница 97: ...sure the safety covers Fan cover recoil starter cover are in place Know how to stop the engine and tines quickly in case of emergency Understand the use of all controls Keep a firm hold on the handleb...

Страница 98: ...orn or damaged tines can cause serious injury Always inspect the tines before using the tiller To ensure safe operation Fire and Burn Hazard Gasoline is extremely flammable and gasoline vapor can expl...

Страница 99: ...t z Be very careful when changing the direction of the tiller on a slope z Do not use the tiller on a slope of more than 10 z The maximum safe grade angle shown is for reference purpose only and shoul...

Страница 100: ...nd slopes with gradient less than 10 paddy field with the depth of water surface to hard layer not more than 300mm For weedy and deep plots remove the weeds before using the tiller to cultivate the la...


Страница 102: temperature in your area is within the indicated range 1 OIL FILLER HOLE 2 UPPER LEVEL 3 LOWER LEVEL Ambient Temperature 2 TRANSMISSION GEAR OIL Place the tiller on a level surface and remove the o...

Страница 103: ...efuel in a well ventilated area with the engine stopped Do not smoke or allow flames or spark in the area where the engine is refueled or where gasoline is stored z Do not overfill the fuel tank there...

Страница 104: ...hat contain alcohol are not covered under the warranty Motor Hoes can not endorse the use of fuels containing methanol since evidence of their suitability is as yet incomplete z Before buying fuel fro...

Страница 105: ...utch is engaged by pulling in the clutch lever and disengaged by releasing the lever 1 Turn the fuel valve to ON Check up tightness of drain knob 1 FUEL VALVE 2 ON 3 DRAIN KNOB 2 Close the choke lever...

Страница 106: then pull briskly CAUTION Do not allow the starter grip to snap back against the engine Return it gently to prevent damage to the starter 1 STARTER GRIP 6 As the engine warms up Gradually open the...

Страница 107: ...affect of altitude on the horsepower will be greater than this if no carburetor modification is made CARTION Operation of the tiller at an altitude lower than the carburetor is jetted for may result...

Страница 108: ...disengaged and power is not transmitted Release the clutch lever The tool will be stopped CAUTION Reduce engine rpm before operating main clutch 1 CLUTCH LEVER 2 ENGAGED 3 DISENGAGED 4 Gear selection...

Страница 109: ...ed gear 4 Gripping the clutch handle the engine will work on the converted gear Gear Shifting Reverse 1 Forward 1 Neutral 0 Forward 2 6 Use of a hitch box Install the hitch attachment in the hitch box...

Страница 110: ...g a tilling operation is to lower the handlebars to bring the gravity centre toward the rear and then make the turn this will permit a turn to be made with relative ease 9 Normal operating angle Lower...

Страница 111: ...rier z When the rotor is clogged with mud pebble etc immediately stop the engine and clean the rotor in a safe place Be sure to wear heavy gloves when cleaning the rotor To prevent damage check the ti...

Страница 112: ...THROTTLE LEVER 2 Turn the engine switch to OFF 1 OFF 2 ENGINE SWITCH 3 Turn the fuel valve to OFF 1 FULE VALVE 2 OFF www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 1...

Страница 113: ...00 Hrs Engine oil Check level o Change o o Air Cleaner Element Check o Clean O 1 Fuel Strainer Cup Clean o Spark Plug Clean readjust o Transmission Gear Oil Check level o Tappet Clearance Check Readju...

Страница 114: Service more frequently when operating the engine in extremely dusty areas Never use gasoline or low flash point solvents for cleaning the air cleaner element Afire of explosion could result in CAU...

Страница 115: ...sive under certain conditions Do not smoke or allow flames of sparks in the area Turn the fuel valve to the OFF position and remove the fuel strainer cup and the O ring Wash the removed parts in solve...

Страница 116: hand to prevent cross threading When mounting a new spark plug you should screw 1 2 more thread with the wrench after the washer is compressed If you are mounting an old one you should only screw...

Страница 117: ...adjustment Measure the free play at the lever tip Free play 5 10 mm 0 2 0 4in If the free play is incorrect loosen the lock nut and turn the adjusting nut in or out as required 1 THROTTLE LEVER 2 ADJU...

Страница 118: ...the motor hoes turn the fuel valve OFF and keep the motor hoes level to prevent fuel spillage Fuel vapor or spilled fuel may be ignited Before storing the unit for an extended period 1 Be sure the st...

Страница 119: protect the engine from internal corrosion 1 Align the notch on the starter pulley with the hole at the top of recoil starter 4 Change engine oil 5 Cover tiller with plastic sheet Do not place the...

Страница 120: ...t the spark plug a Remove the spark plug cap Clean any dirt from around the spark plug base and then remove the spark plug b Install the spark plug in the plug cap c Turn the engine switch on d Ground...

Страница 121: ...p rpm 4 0 3600 Max Torque n m 14 2500 Ignition system Transistor magneto Starting System Manual Start 6 0 6 0 y t i c a p a c l i O 6 3 L y t i c a p a c k n a t l e u F r e t l i F h t a B l i O r e...

Страница 122: ...service due to abnormal usage conditions the repairs will be done and charged after my consent Seller _____________________________________ Buyer _____________________________________ Date of purchase...

Страница 123: ...d Italia Star assistance service When the user install on the machine non original or not indicated on the manual accessories When the product has been modified repaired disassembled from the buyer or...
