K8M800-M7A BIOS Setup
AG P Driving Value
While AGP driving control item set to “ Manual”, it allows user to set AGP driving.
The Choices: DA
AG P Fast Write
This item allows you to disabled or enabled AGP Fast Write.
The Choices: Disabled
(default), Enabled.
AG P Master 1 WS Write
When Enabled, writes to the AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) are executed
with one-wait states.
The Choices: Disabled
(default), Enabled.
AG P Master 1 WS Read
When Enabled, read to the AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) are executed with
one wait states.
The Choices: Disabled
(default), Enabled.
AG P 3.0 Calibration cycle
This item allows you to disabled or enabled AGP 3.0 Calibration Cycle.
The Choices: Disabled
(default), Enabled.
DBI Output for AGP Trans
The Choices: Disabled
(default), Auto.
VG A Share Memory Size
This item allows you to select the VGA share me mory size.
The Choices: 64M
(default), 32M, 16M Disabled.