Room in qui riy
You can call anot her par ty at any time du ring an on going call.
You are con duc ting a call.
You would like to call anot her par ty.
Press the R key.
You will hear the in ter nal dial tone.
If you wish to spe ak to an ex ter nal par ty, dial 0 first.
If you hear a busy sig nal af ter dia ling 0, eit her your te le pho ne does not have pro per aut ho ri za ti on for
an ex ter nal call, or the line is busy.
Dial the num ber of the par ty you wish to call.
You will hear the rin ging sig nal in your hand set.
The par ty will be cal led.
The par ty being cal led lifts up the hand set of his/her pho ne.
Con duct your call.
To end the in qui ry call press the Dis con nect key on your ISDN pho ne.
With ana log te le pho nes:
The con nec ti on put on hold is ter mi na ted. The ac ti ve con nec ti on re mains.
The ac ti ve con nec ti on is ter mi na ted and you re turn to the call that was pre vi ous ly put on hold.
Con ti nue with your call.
Initiating a system parked inquiry
You are con duc ting an ex ter nal call. You want to make this call avai la ble for a sys tem-park ed in qui ry.
Press the R key. You will hear the in ter nal dial tone.
Dial any one of the 4 con fi gu red in ter nal sys tem park ed in qui ry num bers or the fi xed code *596. You
will hear the po si ti ve ac knowled ge ment sig nal.
If you hear the busy tone, dial the next con fi gu red in ter nal ex ten si on num ber
Re pla ce the hand set, the ex ter nal call is put on hold in the wai ting loop.
Accepting a system-parked inquiry
You wish to ac cept the call from a sys tem-park ed in qui ry.
Dial any one of the 4 con fi gu red in ter nal sys tem park ed in qui ry num bers or the fi xed code *596.
You have ac cep ted the call.
Call wai ting
Du ring an on going call you can ac cept, or re fu se, a wai ting call at any time.
Enable / Inhibit Call Waiting for a Further Call
Lift up hand set
en ab le / in hi bit
Ack. sig nal
Re pla ce hand set
Accepting a waiting call (room inquiry with waiting caller)
You are con duc ting a call.
A se cond par ty calls you.
You hear the call wai ting sig nal.
Room in qui riy
Ope ra ti on
Содержание elmeg T484
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