4.4 WEEE information
The crossed-out wheelie bin symbol indicates that when the device comes to the
end of its useful service life, it must be disposed of separately from normal do-
mestic waste at an appropriate waste disposal facility.
El símbolo del contenedor con la cruz, que se encuentra en el aparato, significa
que cuando el equipo haya llegado al final de su vida útil, deberá ser llevado a los
centros de recogida previstos, y que su tratamiento debe estar separado del de
los residuos urbanos.
Das auf dem Gerät befindliche Symbol mit dem durchgekreuzten Müllcontainer
bedeutet, dass das Gerät am Ende der Nutzungsdauer bei den hierfür vorgese-
henen Entsorgungsstellen getrennt vom normalen Hausmüll zu entsorgen ist.
In compliance with the REACH Candidate List, the delivered product and product packaging do not contain any
chemical substances in a concentration above 0.1 percent weight by weight (w/w). This declaration will be updated
as soon as any changes occur or new relevant substances are added to the REACH Candidate List.
4.6 EC declaration of conformity
English (EN)
Hereby, bintec elmeg GmbH declares that the bintec H2 Auto Compact radio
equipment is in compliance with:
Directive 2014/53/EU
Directives 2011/65/EU and 2015/863/EU (RoHS)
Spanish (ES)
Por la presente, bintec elmeg GmbH declara que el tipo de equipo radioeléctrico
bintec H2 Auto Compact es conforme con:
Directiva 2014/53/UE
Directivas 2011/65/UE y 2015/863/UE (RoHS)
German (DE)
Hiermit erklärt bintec elmeg GmbH, dass der Funkanlagentyp bintec H2 Auto
Compact den Anforderungen der
Richtlinie 2014/53/EU
Richtlinien 2011/65/EU und 2015/863/EU (RoHS)
The full text of the EU Declaration of Conformity is available at the following Internet address:
In addition to this conformity, Harmonized Standards have been applied to the TLDPH01K1 hardware and 11.01 OS
version so as to meet the essential requirements laid down in the Directives.
4.7 National restrictions
In accordance with Article 10 of Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU, we inform you that national restrictions and
requirements may apply when it comes to authorization. Not all countries have implemented the harmonized use of 5
GHz for the implementation of Wireless Access Systems/Radio Local Area Networks (WAS/RLANs) yet.
4 Compliance
bintec elmeg GmbH
bintec H2 Auto Compact