Alarm and error messages as well as basic measures the operator himself may take to
clear them are described in the KBF
operating manual.
Please make sure these measures have been tried before looking further for any other
possible error causes.
The troubleshooting diagrams below are built up as follows:
Error pattern
Possible error cause
Remedial measure
Possible error cause
Remedial measure
Faults should be found by replacing components of the unit. Usually that will be the fastest method of trou-
The sequence of the columns describing potential causes for errors, and the remedial actions to clear the
described error patterns, is mainly intended to facilitate basic error diagnosis and clearance.
So it is recommended to work your way from top to bottom of the diagrams.
Notations between brackets and in italics, e.g. (
), behind a component refer to the respective equipment
codes for this component, as specified in the wiring diagram, and in labels on some parts inside the appa-
Observe the safety instructions during service diagnosis!
When repairing the unit,
switch it off and disconnect it from the power supply.
Service Manual KBF (E5.2) 04-2015