The Bigfoot Unity
Diabetes Management System User Guide | Chapter 10
What it may mean
My Cap seems loose
or doesn’t snap onto
insulin pen.
Your insulin pen and Cap may not be
aligned properly or may be damaged.
What to do
Make sure you didn’t accidentally record a dose that you did not
take. If you did, follow the steps for how to remove the dose from
MY HISTORY records. If necessary, use a backup method to
determine if a correction dose is needed. Contact Bigfoot Customer
Care at (551) 244-3668 for additional information.
What it may mean
You are not receiving
high glucose alerts
on your App/phone.
Bigfoot Unity is designed to alert you only
when your glucose is too low. It will not
alert you to high glucose events.
What to do
Follow your health care provider’s recommendations for managing high
glucose. Bigfoot Unity will not alert you when your glucose is high.
What it may mean
You are not receiving
Low Glucose,
Sensor Unavailable
or Missed Long-
Acting Dose Alerts.
Your Bigfoot Unity is not set up correctly to
receive Notifications and Alerts, or there is
a communication problem between some
of the devices.
What to do
Check that 1) all Alerts are “On” in your Bigfoot Unity App; 2) your
setting is “On”; 3) you have allowed Critical Alerts
and Notifications to come through to your phone; 4) phone sounds/
vibrations for Notifications and Alerts are “On”; 5) you didn’t already
dismiss the Notification/Alert; 6) Sensor wear period has ended
or there is a problem with the Sensor; 7) your phone is turned on
and sufficiently charged, the Bigfoot Unity App is running in the
background, and the Sensor and App/phone are in communication
range; 8) If you use Screen Time on your phone, the Bigfoot Unity
App is “Always Allowed.”