© 2005 Ver. 1 Fors MW Ltd
These troubleshooting instructions are provided to help you to determine the
cause for a malfunction.
Electrical equipment troubles
Fault symptoms
Reason and action
Lights fault
Lamp born out. Replace lamp.
Check and clean electrical connectors.
Wire broken.
Check and repair wire.
Hydraulic equipment troubles
Fault symptoms
Reason and action
Too slow lift of implement or cylinders
will not return from working position to
Valve stuck. Clean valve parts. Valve
should move freely without seizure.
Ingress air into hydraulic system.
Locate leaky point and eliminate defect.
Check oil level.
Excessive leakage of oil in pump.
Replace pump
Low oil pressure.
Adjust oil pressure.
Hydraulic cylinder piston packing out of
Replace packing.
Hydraulic system noise
Air entrapped into system. Locate air
suction and eliminate defect.
Distributor safety valve maladjusted.
Adjust valve.
Oil leaking
Replace ruptured hose or tighten hose
Oil leaks through final drive labyrinth
Rubber packing between track sprockets
and hub or labyrinth seals worn. Replace
rubber rings.
Brake system troubles
Fault symptoms
Reason and action
Poor operation of brakes
Greasy or worn-out drive disk linings.
Wash linings with gasoline or replace
from spares
Maladjustment of brake control linkage.
Adjust brake control linkage.