Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
MAN712 Rev. 9
June 2021
Configuration Parameters
Section 6: Configuration Parameters
Precision of the Analog Inputs
The Analog Inputs have the following precision depending on the input type:
Input 0 - 20 mA: 0.5%
Input 4 - 20 mA: 0.5%
The value of the Pressure is shown and stored (event data memory) in the following way
depending on the size of the Pressure Transducer:
0.0 - 99.9 bar:
2 fractional digits
100.0 – 999.9 bar:
1 fractional digit
1000 bar:
0 fractional digit
Depending on the size of the Pressure Transducer, the parameters “Valve Control Pressure”
(VLC PDR), “Data Acquisition Pressure” (D.ACQ P.), “Pressure Increase” (P. Inc) and
“Pressure Decrease” (P. DEC) must respect the following limits when they are set.
Table 6.
Pres. Max. (Pressure Maximum)
P. Inc and P. Dec LIMITS
0.0 – 50.0
0.1 – “Maximum Pressure” / 4
0.1 – “Maximum Pressure”
50.1 – 100.0
0.2 – “Maximum Pressure” / 4
0.2 – “Maximum Pressure”
100.1 – 150.0
0.3 – “Maximum Pressure” / 4
0.3 – “Maximum Pressure”
150.1 – 200.0
0.4 – “Maximum Pressure” / 4
0.4 – “Maximum Pressure”
200.1 – 300.0
0.6 – “Maximum Pressure” / 4
0.6 – “Maximum Pressure”
300.1 – 400.0
0.8 – “Maximum Pressure” / 4
0.8 – “Maximum Pressure”
400.1 – 500.0
1.0 – “Maximum Pressure” / 4
1.0 – “Maximum Pressure”
500.1 - 1000
2.0 – “Maximum Pressure” / 4
2.0 – “Maximum Pressure”