4.3 Performances
Reciprocating microsaw
Cutting speed
≥ 5.5 mm/s (***)
Maximum distribution of physiological liquid
≥ 100 ml/min (**)
Minimum distribution of physiological liquid
≥ 50 ml/min (**)
Noise in no-load (at 1 meter)
‹ 75 dBA (*)
Hand-transmitted vibrations in no-load
‹ 20 m/s2 (*)
(*) Measurement realized in combination with motor MX-i LED REF1600755, elec-
tronic console Chiropro L REF1600613 and cutting tool REF1502679, with motor
speed 40000 rpm and without irrigation.
(**) Measurement realized with the irrigation ring REF1502918 and the irrigation
line REF1500984, in combination with motor MX-i LED REF1600755, electronic con-
sole Chiropro L REF1600613 and cutting tool REF1502679, with motor speed
40000 rpm. The Chiropro irrigation levels ‘2 drops’ and ‘5 drops’ correspond to the
minimum and maximum distribution, respectively.
(***) Measurement realized with the irrigation line REF1500984 (without the ir-
rigation ring REF1502918), in combination with motor MX-i LED REF1600755,
electronic console Chiropro L REF1600613 and cutting tool REF1502679, with mo-
tor speed 40000 rpm and the Chiropro irrigation level ‘2 drops’. A bloc of Sawbone
PCF 30 (20x20mm) is cut by applying a constant force of 9.5 N.