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1. Introduction
The NEDSP1061 is a modular solution to noise reduction.
It incorporates DSP technology to provide up to 35dB of
noise cancellation.
NEDSP1061 module features:
Fully adaptive to changing noise environments
Input and output level controls
Virtually no distortion to speech signal
Up to 35dB of noise cancellation
8 levels of noise reduction
Noise cancellation can be preset or remotely set
during operation
5 – 15V supply range
4.6dB on board gain
Wide range of connection possibilities
Mounting holes
This module is designed to pass speech. Other signals
such as data, music and morse (CW) will to some degree
pass through, but the integrity of these signals
cannot be guaranteed.
This module is designed to be placed in a low level audio
path only. The module will not drive a loudspeaker or
other high power load.
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